Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

What happened when I was passed out? How long had I been out for?

These were the two main questions Anders wanted answered. He was quite thankful to know who they were, well as far as names went. But he knew something must have happened during the time he was asleep.

Taking in their surroundings, the woods were vastly different from those that they had been running through when they first met the group. Even the bush and shrubs weren't the same. It reminded him of the place where he and his brothers had become gods.

The distant sound of thunder and the sharp tug on the back of his shirt broke him from his thoughts. Dark clouds gathered above them. It was going to rain soon. Casting a look behind him, he found his partner silently staring at her hands. He couldn't tell if she was asleep or not, however, from the way she gently swayed with the gate of the horse, Anders figured she was alert enough to not fall anytime soon.

Focusing back ahead, his jaw tensed. What is with her and what's with wanting to ride with me?

He didn't understand this shift to her clinginess and quiet. Not that she was overly talkative before. But she seemed meek, there was no snarky comment, no sassy and it suddenly bothered Anders that he was thinking so much about this.

Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, he scooted forward a bit. He hoped that it was a subtle move, but his riding companion seemed to notice as he heard a small whisper of an apology.

"It's fine. I'm uh...I needed to adjust...not used to being in a saddle."

What the fuck was that?! Anders rolled his eyes with a cringe.


Ah? Ok that's it! "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

The words came out harsher than he intended and at the feel of her jump, he knew she was just as surprised as he was.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what's wrong you with you? You were determined and snippy and fucking bipolar for that matter, and now...Now you're just quiet and meek and -"

"Fuck you! You don't even know me!" She snapped as she hastily dismounted the pony.

Anders eyes went wide, whipping his head around to find her quickly catch herself from falling. Catching the looks from the familiar blond and his brother, Anders knew he wasn't the only one surprised by her actions. While he finally got to see the girl he had met the first day here, wherever here was, he hadn't meant to push her that far.

Looking around, it seemed the outburst caught more than just the brothers' attention as everyone was looking back at him in silence. A part of him was tempted to turn the pony around, the other part was still wondering why he still cared and just wanted to keep his pony moving. But he did stop his pony. Not to turn around, but upon finding the leader of the group riding to the back of the group. He did not look at the others as they slowed their pace, nor did he look at Anders as he passed him by. It wasn't until the older man with the contract ordered everyone to keep moving did they take their attention away from Thorin. Anders' mouth suddenly went dry as he watched him make his way to the girl.

Once again he caught the eyes of Fili and Kili. A simple raise of a brow from him and they gave a quick kick to their ponies' side to catch up to Anders. For a while they rode in silence. The brothers kept their eyes ahead and Anders couldn't help but cast a glance every now at then back at Thorin and the girl.

The Only Exception (A Hobbit and Almighty Johnsons crossover fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now