Chapter 3

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Maya’s eyes widened as she knelt beside the fainted man. Fearing the worst, she pressed two fingers to the side of his neck. Her head dropped as she breathed out a sigh-of-relief at the feel of the steady pulse. Looking up, she found the small men slowly inch forward until they surrounded her. The dark haired leader stepped forward. His eyes boring down at her. 

“Who are you?” 

She opened her mouth, but found herself unable to speak. 

“Answer me!” Try as she might, she was unable to hide her fear. “Speak!” 

She turned back to her companion and bit her lip. She may not have liked him, but she wanted nothing more than for him to choose that moment to wake up. Unfortunately luck was not on her side. 

“Perhaps she would answer if you didn’t frighten her.”  A tall man in gray approached, towering over the other men. His gaze never left her, however, though they held the same suspicion as the others, there was an underlying sympathy in them. “Now step aside.” 

The men obeyed. Even their leader made way for the older man to step forward, though he did not hide his scowl. The man seemed kind, but it didn’t stop Maya’s instinctual shift closer to Anders. 

With a pause, the man in gray gave a small smile. “We mean you no harm, child. What is your name?” 

Before she could respond, someone spoke up. “Why does he have my brother’s face?” 

Maya craned her neck to see a young beardless man standing just behind the man in gray. With a glare, he started to step forward only to be stopped by his brother. The blond, Fili, narrowed his eyes at her.  The resemblance was uncanny. Yes, he was shorter and had a beard, but put them side by side and one would swear that this man, Fili, and Anders were brothers.

Pushing aside her thoughts, she swallowed. “I..I don’t know...” 

“So...if he’s not Fili, then what is the name of your husband?” 

All eyes turned to the timid man who stayed on his pony and for a moment, Maya was speechless.

“M-my what?! No! He is not my husband.” 

“I do not care whether he is your husband or not. What is his name?!” 

Maya flinched again as the dark haired man stepped around the man in gray. Her eyes shifted from his wild blue eyes to the ground as she bit her lower lip. 

“He said his name is Anders.” She said softly. 

“You do not know?” He said suspiciously.

 Maya shook her head. Before she could respond, Anders gasped for air. His eyes shot open. Blue eyes filled with pain as his back arched off the ground. Shock paralyzed Maya as his body began to convulse. 

"What is happening?!" 

The deep voice snapped her out of her stupor. Quickly she shrugged off his blazer. Folding it up, she placed it under his head, in hopes that it helped to avoid any serious injuries. Yet the convulsions became worse. Without thinking, Maya grabbed hold of Anders hand. 

Whipping her head to the dark haired leader, she cried out. "Don't just stand there! Someone help him!”

The smaller man just stood still, as did the others. None knew what to say or do. Her attention was drawn back to Anders as he let out a pained cry, his hand clutching hers in a death grip. 

"Hold on! Just hold on! Please.” Tightening her hold on his hand. “Dammit Anders, don’t-”

A searing pain shot through her body. Still reluctant to let go of his hand, she ignored it. However, another wave hit her hard causing her double over. 

The Only Exception (A Hobbit and Almighty Johnsons crossover fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now