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Chapter 22


I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even think, all I could do was cry. I had messed everything up, I had ruined the perfect day by opening my big mouth and saying what I shouldn’t have. And on top of it all, it wasn’t even the worst thing I could have said; I hadn’t told him the whole truth. I hadn’t even told him who I really was, and now, thanks to my stupid actions, I probably never would.

Louis had been right, how had I let it get this far? I thought I could do it, have a two week fling with some guy before going back home and being myself once more, returning to sensible and selfless Charlie that everyone knew me as back in Gorey. Instead, I’d messed everything up. I could feel my heart crumbling in my chest.

          “Charlie?” Laura’s voice rang through the room and I paused from writing in my notebook, chewing on the end of the pen and rubbing my tears away with the back of my hand. Writing usually helped when I was upset, but this time it was doing nothing to ease my pain. “Sweets, what happened?”

Both Laura and Katherine tentatively walked into the room and eased themselves down on the end of the bed. Four eyes were focused on me, unblinking and worried.

          “Everything’s gone wrong,” I said, sniffing unattractively. Katherine jumped up and ran into the en-suite, appearing a moment later with some tissues which she handed to me.

          “Did you guys fall out?” she asked.

          “I told him.” They both gasped.


          “No, not everything. He still doesn’t know who I am, just that I’m going back to Ireland for ‘a really long time’,” I said, the tears coming back even heavier now. I wish I could be stronger than that, to admit that I don’t care as much I do, but it’s just not me. I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve, and now it had caused me heartbreak.

Laura was about to speak when suddenly the doorbell rang, interrupting her. My heart lifted when I thought it could be Louis, back and forgiving. Katherine stopped me from jumping up and answering so that Laura could head downstairs instead and see who it was.

          “Someone to see you,” she said upon arriving back, and I smiled, though it faltered slightly when it wasn't Louis who walked through the door, rather Rosie and Audrey. I couldn’t believe it, it was the most surreal thing in the world, two members of my favourite band hanging out in my bedroom, one holding chocolates and the other holding wine.

          “What are you doing here?” I asked, and they joined us on the bed, Rosie hugging me from the side.

          “Louis turned up a mess at Harry’s door, telling us the whole thing. I thought I should come and see how you were doing whilst Harry deals with him. It sounded like you were both pretty upset,” she said, and I grinned appreciatively at her.

          “Thank you. It was stupid of me. I sure know how to pick my moments,” I sniffed.

          “He’ll come around. Louis is not one to hold grudges,” Audrey assured me, as Katherine ran downstairs for some wine glasses.

          “Yeah, but will he come round in the next six days? Because that’s all I have,” I said, taking a long sip of the wine and closing my eyes.

          “Oh don’t worry. If I know Harry, and I do, he’ll be able to talk his best friend round in no time.” Rosie told me, rubbing my arm supportively. It was nice, getting support from an unexpected source. Laura and Katherine were amazing, but they always said the same thing and made the same noises. Somehow hearing it from Rosie and Audrey made it seem more real, more possible. Perhaps Louis would really forgive me and come round.

          “You really do love him, don’t you?” Audrey said after all the chocolate was gone and the wine finished. I nearly choked on the last piece of chocolate and had to be hit on the back by a considerate Katherine.

          “You alright?” Laura asked and I nodded, still breathless.

          “You didn’t answer my question, either,” Audrey said, not so considerate.

          I don’t…I don’t love Louis-” I said weakly, but all four girls were looking at me with doubt. I even doubted myself. “I couldn’t, it hasn’t even be two weeks! That’s…that’s just-”

          “-Crazy?” Rosie said, and I nodded again. “Hasn’t this whole thing been a little bit crazy though?”

          “What do you mean?”

          “This whole thing, from start to finish, has been a little bit of a whirlwind. Meeting at the concert, then the date and the charity dinner. Since then you’ve been inseparable from him, Char-Ronnie,” Laura said, her eyes widening at her almost mistake. Luckily neither Rosie nor Audrey noticed, and it went by without discussion, but I sent her a warning glare nevertheless. “Could it be that you’re actually falling for him?”

I was about to flat out deny it, say that I couldn’t possibly be in love with Louis Tomlinson from One Direction after barely a week and a half of knowing him, but the words got stuck in my throat and I remained silent, contemplating the idea.

          “Look at her, she can’t even deny it,” Audrey said, giggling. I think the wine had really gone to her head, but it lightened the mood immediately when she hiccupped and made everyone else start laughing.

          “I guess maybe you’re right. I might be in the process,” I stressed the last three words, “of falling for him. Oh God,” I groaned, falling back onto the pillow only to immediately sit back up when the doorbell rang again.

          “God, if that’s the rest of your band I don’t think we are all going to fit on this bed,” I grumbled, this time getting out and going to see who was at the door myself. When I pulled the door open, I couldn’t believe it. A very sheepish and embarrassed looking Louis stood there, averting my eyes and staring instead at the ground. He made a ‘oof’ sound as he caught me, having thrown myself into his arms and mumbling apologies.

          “Louis, god I’- I’m so sorry, I should have told you-” he shut me up with a very surprising and brief kiss.

          “Will you let me speak?” he looked at me with those blue eyes and I nodded, suddenly mute. “Thank you.” Sighing, he took my hands in his own and stared down at them. “I’m the one who should be sorry, I overreacted and made you feel even worse than you already did, that was horrible of me and I shouldn’t have done it.”

          “It’s my fault too. Maybe we’re both in the wrong.” He chuckled.

          “Maybe. But I’ve thought about it, and I just want to spend these next few days, the last ones we have, not fighting and just…being together. That’s all I want…if you want it as well?” he asked, his voice getting quieter and quieter until I could barely hear him at the end. I rested my forehead against his and giggled.

          “You are the most stubborn yet charming person I’ve met,” I whispered, and he closed his eyes, like he was savouring the words I was saying.

          “So is that a yes?” he asked, his hand resting on my waist. I leant forward and smiled against his lips.

          “I guess so.”

Author's Note: There we go, told you good things...for now :P Hope you enjoy it, and there's drama and lots of romance to come so do not fret! I feel like Charlie is making some progress with her dilema, but she just can't seem to stay away from him, can she? Can you blame her though, really?

Ellen x


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