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Chapter 28


          “You are planning to do WHAT??” Veronica shouted, her grey eyes that matched mine wide and angry. I literally cowered under her stare, stepping back and trodding on Katherine’s toes, who was standing directly behind me.

          “I told you-”

          “No, I heard. I’m just having trouble understanding what is going through you head right now! What part of ‘don’t tell anyone’ do you not understand? You tell him, and the deal is off.” Veronica was like a dangerous predator stalking her prey, slinking towards me with a steely look in her eye. I was genuinely afraid of her in that moment. Ricardo and Grace had both scampered off somewhere after helping me into my beautiful dress after all, whilst Veronica had been downstairs on the phone to her parents. They clearly hadn’t wanted to stick around for the aftermath of me telling Veronica my plan, and right now, I could see why.

          “I don’t care about the deal anymore. It hasn’t been about the deal for a long time. Louis is something special to me, and I don’t want to throw it away.” I said, defending myself.

          “Oh, please,” Veronica scoffed, “you think that you can fall in love in two weeks? How mad are you?”

          “Almost as mad as you for hiring a body double and running away to Ibiza for two weeks!” I argued, “surely, Veronica, surely,” I began to beg, “you must understand. You’re in love, you know how it feels.” I expect some kind of reaction, a kind of understanding to fall across her face at my words. Instead, nothing. Her face, more polished and beautiful than mine could ever be regardless of the fact we looked the same, remained impassive.

          “You are not throwing this all away. I will not let you. It’s my reputation on the line here,” she said, so close to me our noses were almost touching. I tried to keep my breathing even, to not show that I was scared. “Besides, there are a lot worse things I could do than call off our deal if you blab our little secret.” All the blood drained out of my face in an instant.

          “You wouldn’t dare.”

          “Should have got it in writing,” she smirked, her face turning from pretty to twisted, almost evil.

          “Am I not risking enough? Telling one person, one person who won’t care who you are, or tell anyone? He could hate me for what I’ve done, never speak to me again, but…I can’t do it any longer Veronica. It’s not fair to him. Forget about me for a moment, think about Louis. The confusion after this afternoon, the explanation he needs for closure at least.” There was a heavy silence as my two friends and I waited with baited breath for Veronica’s response, my heart hoping she would relent and understand why I had to do this.

          “You are not telling him. That is final.” Now, I saw red.

          “No. No, it’s not. I’m telling him,” now I stood up to her with a strong look in my eye, “and you can’t stop me.” I pushed passed her, heading towards the door. My hand was on the handle when another hand grabbed my other arm and shoved me forcefully through it. Glancing back, I saw Veronica’s hair an inch from my face as she followed me through into the hallway and then turn to shut the bedroom door behind her. I heard the turn of a key in a lock and looked over her shoulder to see her pocket something. Judging by the sound of my two friends banging incessantly on the door the other side of the wood, I was starting to get nervous as to what Veronica was about to do.

          “What are you doing? Let Laura and Katherine out!”

          “Why? So they can help you ruin everything? I don’t think so.” With a sudden movement, she grasped my wrist so hard it hurt and pulled me down the stairs. I had to gather up my skirts with my free hand to stop myself falling down them. Veronica was stronger than me, and though I pulled against her, I couldn’t get free and knew there would be bruising tomorrow.

A Love, a Lie and a False Identity (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now