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I stand there, in front of Harry, with my arms crossed and nose in the air. He is completely crazy to think I will train and just become one of his slaves. His eyes narrow as his lips turn up into a smirk, and I just can't help myself from asking,

"Why are you smiling?" Daniel stands only feet away from me, with one eyebrow raised. He is probably wondering why I'm questioning the man, but unlike him I'm not just going to follow his orders like he is in charge or something.

"I'm smiling because you think that since you're the princess, you're not required to do anything unless by your will, and darling, I have some bad news for you." The sorry bastard continues to smirk and cackle at himself like what he said was actually funny.

"I will do as I please." I say, chin up, and march right out the front door. I call for Danny to follow and he obliges, following me through the entrance.

"I wouldn't do that, Rosalie." I stop in my tracks, turning around to face Harry.

"And why not?" My hands are placed on my hips, eyes narrowed.

"Because you have no idea what are in these woods. You wouldn't last more than three days." I know I may not know my way around these woods like he does, but he is crazy to think I will stay here and be his little puppet.

"You don't know that." I say, taking a step back. Yes the woods are terrifying, but Daniel and I need to find the safe house and then find mother and James.

"Rose, maybe we should listen to him... I'm pretty sure he knows what he is talking about." Daniel says, grabbing my arm and staring into my eyes. I scrunch my brows and narrow my eyes at him. He can't be serious.

"So you're taking his side? How could you? You don't really expect me to stay here and be his little slave, do you?" I'm pissed. I can't believe Danny would do this, he can't actually be taking his side.

"I'm not taking anyone's side. I'm just saying what is best for the both of us. Neither one of us know what is in these woods, and we have no business being in them." He tries to explain, but all I can think about is getting my family back.

"Your boyfriend is right, you have no idea what these woods can and will do to you. If you plan on living much longer you better stay here." Harry butts in, while Danny nods his head in agreement.

I want to march right out of Harry's village, but I know there is no way I would make it to the safe house by myself, I have to have Daniel. As bad as I hate to admit it, I know Harry is right. If I'm ever going to see my family again I need to at least stay here long enough to learn the land and come up with a fireproof plan as to how I'm going to get my family back.

I walk back over to Danny and Harry as I say, "Fine, I'll stay, but I am NOT chasing pigs again." The curly one is crazy to think I will actually do that a second time.

"That was easy compared to what I could have had you doing. Be grateful I didn't make you clean out the stalls." He smirks, crossing his arms and straightening his posture. I narrow my eyes until they're just small slits.

"Don't even think about asking me to do that." I fire back, stepping closer to him. His tall body and built figure towers over my petite frame.

"Cleaning the stalls is the least of your worries." I roll my eyes and turn away from him and towards Daniel. I lean myself against him and nuzzle my head between his shoulder blade and neck area. I can't believe I actually stayed. I knew I wouldn't survive alone, but I'm not entirely sure I'll survive here either.

| Authors Note |

Holy cow I haven't updated in forever! I'm so sorry guys I had a huge writers block and just lost inspiration for this story, but I'm back and hopefully I can continue to update.

I have no idea who made the edit I posted with this chapter, but I thought it was bomb and I'm in love with it.


Dedicated to: @creepystyles for best comment!

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