"You promised."

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// you need at least one sad/fluffy one shot, maybe it won't be what you think. //

It consumes us.
"I promise you, Harry, that everything will be alright. Nothing is going to go wrong. Not as long as we all stick to the plan." Louis is in a gang and his group is about to rob the biggest bank downtown. Louis has robbed many banks and he is sure he can do this without getting caught.

"Lou, baby please don't do this. I have a really bad feeling about this and you doing stupid illegal things make my skin crawl, you know that." Harry is crying into his hands and Louis feels so bad for leaving him like this. Harry has asked and pleaded him many times to not continue this but it's not very simple to get out of serious gang. They would kill Louis right there in fear of him ratting them out.

"Sweetheart, this is my last job for a while. We are all taking a break okay and I promise you ,again,
I will be okay. I'll be careful. I love you so much yeah?." He took Harry's hands off of his face and gave him a kiss.

Harry sighed but replied. "I love you as well Lou. Be extra careful please." Louis nodded, let go of Harry's hand and then preceded to walk away to the car. Louis' gang buddies surprisingly supported Louis and Harry and always told Louis to be careful for Harry. They even told him that one time if they ever got caught, Louis' name would never be mentioned. He doubted that because in the moment of fear, you do unimaginable things you always said you would never do to save your own ass.

"Louis are you ready? Is he okay with all of this. We told you, you didn't have to do this job with us because of how risky and dangerous this is." Louis may have not told Harry that. He wanted a cut of the money that is involved in this to afford a ring for Harry. He was going to ask his boyfriend of 4 years to marry him and this job was supposed to do let him do so.

"Louis, you didn't tell him did you." Jake's words were harsh and it was more of a statement then a question.

"Louis you know we aren't to blame if something hap-" that was far enough. He hates thinking about anything happening. "Nothing is going to fucking happen just drive and let's hurry this up please." No more words were said. All Louis could hear was his heart beating so fast, the tension, and the silence that was eating him alive. He used to like the rush of this but now it scares him; not getting caught, death. Death scares him to the point where he always starts to lose focus and stops breathing suddenly. He manages to regain the normal speed of his heartbeat as they came to a slow stop in front of the bank.

"Louis remember the plan yeah ,well that has been changed. You are the driver and only the driver. We will go in, take the money and you will drive. Drive as far as needed, okay?" He was shocked. The driving was always the worst part, but now he really didn't have a choice. He hated to be put on the spot. Jake only did this for harry and louis' relationship.

"Jake what the hell! Okay okay just go, be careful. Yeah? Don't be stupid." By stupid he means don't go in there and shoot up the place because the plan didn't work. Jake just nodded and his other two guys followed him through the doors of the bank; secretly, calmly and smoothly.

They were in there for quite some time but when Jake started to run out with nothing and bloody hands and he saw Casper and Aaron laying on the ground knew everything went wrong.  Everything went black and he tried to process what was happening. He heard two more close gun shots and didn't know if they were from him or aimed for him. He didn't know.

"Louis leave! Go now forget me the others got shot. Harry needs you! Go! You have a better life go!" Louis was too shocked to just go. Jake's words were barely audible before he fell to the ground and died in front of Louis' eyes. He was surrounded by death, and silence. The two things he hated the most.

Larry stylinson one shots. (Fluff-smut)Where stories live. Discover now