Surprise, Surpise.

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Cute ass picture of them to the side/top. Sigh
I miss that. Yeah, yeah I know! Wow I'm finally a little active. Enjoy this other fluffy smut. I like fluffy smut. :) *the cooking scene is not meant to be exactly like "the meal" YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT *

Its Friday and Harry is finally out of the hospital. He was in there for 5 days after he had severe chest pain and passed out at a party with Louis. The doctors found out what's wrong with him. They said he has severe asthma.

He got prescribed medication and an Inhaler and Louis was going to make sure he did what they told him.

Louis on the other hand was trying to make sure that the weekend was romantic and the most rememberable weekend the two will ever share.

"Louis, what are we doing today?" Harry smiled at him with a big toothy grin.

"That's a surprise harreh. Just be patient and just be quiet." Louis put his arm around Harry's neck and pulled him over closer to him. He was driving so they couldn't get that close but being a little close was enough.

"But lou-louuuu I don't like surprises." Harry whined liked a little child. He tried to pull away but Louis wouldn't allow it.

He caressed the back of Harry's neck and pulled on one of his curls in the back. That always gets him going. He thought mischievously. That was Harry's weakness when it came to sexual things. Louis smirked to himself.

"Louiss stop." Harry let out a little moan.

"Hmm no hazzabear I like your moans. I can't wait to hear them when I fu-" Harry cut Louis off. And louis burst into a fit of laughter. Harry was one to be a little shy when of came to things like this but Louis just loved teasing him.

"Ugh, Lou that's enough! I don't like it." He crossed his arms and pulled farther away from Louis.

"Don't be so shy hazza. and come back closer to me. Well, we are almost back at my place so I guess it doesn't matter anyways." He sighed and they pulled into the driveway. Harry basically fell out of the car when Louis stopped. He was eager to get out of the awkward situation he had caused.

Harry walked through door and he was flabbergasted. (Lol this word)

"Louis. This is perfect." The lights were dimly lit and there was a meal at the table. Louis had set the table romantically and put one medium size candle in the center of the circle table.

"I hope you love it." Louis says as he walks behind Harry and snakes his arms around his waist. He kissed his neck and kissed up to his cheek. Louis turned Harry around and kissed him slowly but quickly.

"Okay Harry let's eat." they smiled at each other and walked over to the table. Harry was very tired of hospital food and it smelled amazing.

"Louis you cooked?! You never cook what!?" Shock filled Harry's face and he playfully teased Louis.

"Yes Harry, I cooked chicken breast wrapped in ham, some homemade mashed potatoes, and gravy. (Don't hate me please. This was not edited by me.) He served Harry a plate and got himself one.

*1 hour later*

"That was the best meal louis. This is all so perfect. Thank you so much" He kissed Louis on the cheek.

"I need to go use the toilets. I'll be back in a jiffy lou."

Louis found this to be the perfect opportunity to set up everything else.

He lit the hallway with candles leading the candles up to his room.

'Its now or never' he thought .

He layed roses around the bed and walked quietly down so he could turn off the lights to set the mood. Tonight was the night.

Harry walked out of the bathroom and all he saw was a pathway of candles leading upstairs. he followed the pathway until he reached Louis' door. He was a little nervous and confused because he had a feeling what this meant. He was ready but not ready for Louis to see more scars than he had before.

The knob slowly turned and Harry was standing at the door staring at the scene in front of him.

"Surprise Harry." He Whispered into his ear. he grabbed Harry's waist and turned on music. They swayed back and forth until Harry pulled up Louis' chin and leaned in slowly and then started kissing him. Louis instantly deepened the kiss and led them over to the bed without breaking the kiss.

"Mm Louis. I want you so much." Harry growled. Louis was  straddling Harry and was playing with the hem of his shirt motioning for him to take it off.

"Louis. Don't get mad when I take it off okay." He lost his confidence a little but preceded.

"Harry, I won't get mad baby. please take it off." He lifts up his shirt to reveal old scars on his hip bone. Louis sighed and kissed down Harry's body.

"Harry you are too beautiful for this." He slowly kissed every scar on Harry's hips.

"May I?" Louis motioned to Harry's zipper.

Harry nodded and louis unzipped his pants and pulled them off. Harry did the same to louis.

Louis slithered up Harry's body, kissing him and tugging on his hair with one hand and palming Harry through his boxers with his other hand.

"Mmm Louis. Stop teasing." Harry growled. Louis was surprised to see Harry so dominant and demanding.

"Okay baby. you ready?" Louis was glad he could get a chance to show Harry how much he actually loved him.


Louis pulled off both of their boxers and started pumping Harry's dick. Slowly going up and down at first then faster as his pace sped up.

"Mmm Louis." Harry moaned and bucked his hips a little.

Louis smirked and took Harry's length in his mouth, Bobbing his head up and down. He stopped and Harry looked at him with pleading eyes .

"um can I go further like you know ." He motioned awkwardly around.

"Yes, louis." he laughed a little and motioned for louis to continue.

"Okay just tell me if it hurts and I'll stop." Harry nodded.

Louis took his length and slowly and steadily started to go into Harry. Harry seemed to enjoy it so louis started to go in and out.

"You okay haz?"

"Mhm." Louis was still stroking Harry's dick while going in and out of him. He started going faster and Harry bucked his hips and Louis knew he was getting close. This moment was so special to the both of them.

So he pulled it out and started sucking on Harry's length.

"Louis I think I'm gonna cu-"

Before he could finish his sentence Harry had reached his peak. Louis gave him a smirk.

"You were so good baby." They both were tired and restless. Louis got them some boxers and they just lay there for they couldn't really doze off to sleep that fast.

"Harry, I love you so much. I'm glad I got to make love to you. No, it's not just meaningless sex. This meant something. I didn't do it because I just wanted pleasure I did it because I want you." Harry blushed and they curled up together, talked mindlessly for what seemed liked hours and then finally went to sleep.

They both thought tonight was a night they will never forget. Although sex seems like just a thing people do, Louis wanted it to actually mean something for him and for Harry. He wanted Harry to know how much he cared and every word and touch told him that he cared a lot.

Editing credits go to a friend of mine bieberirwin  she edited this a while ago for me and I couldn't just not credit her! Okay so this is pretty short, but hey I updated! 2 days in a row BAM.! Enjoy this great fluffy short smut scene.


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