Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

He loves me too! He loves me too! Would he think that I’m completely bonkers if I did a little happy dance? Nope, not worth the risk. So I gulped, indirectly trying to tell the bubbles inside me to settle down already!

I think he read my expression because the next thing he did was pull me into a tight bear-hug and chuckle. His strong arms felt so good around me. I could just stay like this forever. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until he broke the silence. “So babe, you hungry? I made pasta!” he said, excitedly as he made his way to the sofa.

“It’s 10:49 in the morning, Ty. Not really the time for pasta, is it?” I said in a sassy tone, plonking down beside him. I saw his smile falter a bit and the shine in his eyes fade just a little. Great! Good going Guinevere. You couldn’t have just eaten the pasta? Mend this. Now. “But I’m actually really hungry so I’m glad you didn’t just offer me cereal! Pasta actually sounds wonderful!” I tried.

I think it worked. His face lit up again and a grin found a way to his face. He was so handsome. His blue eyes, shining from underneath messy brown hair. He looked a little uncomfortable as he watched me scanning and scrutinizing his every perfect feature.

“Jeez, Jen! I know I’m hot but would you mind?” he said, gesturing to the pasta on the coffee table. I grinned at him and stretched my hand to the table. I picked up my bowl and took a fork and starting scarfing the pasta down. It was delicious. It was spicy but not spicy enough to make your nose run. It was perfect.

“That’s amazing Ty!” I confessed as I swallowed and shoved four bites worth of the penne into my mouth all at once.

He grinned at me. “So how was the interview?” he asked, still eating his own pasta.

“Great! So, I had to do this scene where Julia - who is basically Juliet from Romeo and Juliet - is crying because she may have lost her baby. I think I did a good job, I mean I don’t really know because I couldn’t see myself but I got that feeling. You know, the feeling where you know you’re doing something right? I mean it just felt right. I actually thought it would be pretty funny, you know? I mean I was supposed to be pregnant and I had a flat tummy. The actor, Harry, well he didn’t seem to give a shit, and he’s an ass, I’ll come to that later. So anyway that, plus the guy who is supposed to be punching Harry and kneeing me - yes kneeing me in the tummy ,thereby killing the baby - had like half a foot of distance between his knee and my stomach and his fist and Harry’s cheek. But it was still fun. Mr. Lawrence seemed to like me and said he’d call in a few days. So fingers crossed.” I went on without breathing. He started laughing. “Heyyyy!” I said, spanking his arm, playfully.

“You’re too cute babe,” he said, kissing my cheek. I felt my heart flutter like a bloody thunderstorm was going on inside it. I knew I was blushing so I looked down and took another large bite.

“So Harry’s being an ass, huh?” he asked.

“Yeah! He doesn’t seem to like me very much. He keeps shooting me glares and didn’t even bother looking at me while I auditioned. He didn’t even say anything after I was done. What a pissy little twit. So if he has a say in the cast, this is not my part.” I said, frowning.

“Hey it’s going to be good! You’re an amazing actress and I know it. I have faith in you!” he tried to reassure me.

“Thanks babe…” I said softly, touched by how much he believed in me. I took another serving of the pasta and finished it in a matter of seconds.  I looked down at my plate. I had cleaned it so well with the bread, I doubt anyone could make the difference between it and a clean plate. I showed it to him and he chuckled.

“Compliments to the chef!” I said, smiling, as I stood up to put the dish in the sink.

Next thing I knew, I was spun around and pinned to the wall. His strong arms gripped my weak ones tightly, his face, hardly a few centimetres away from mine. “I’m going to need more than you verbally complimenting the chef, you know?” he said cheekily.

“Oh yeah?” I asked with fake innocence. “Come, I’ll show you instead.” I said with a naughty look on my face, as I took his hand and led him to the bedroom.

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