Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

A week later

My life…was prefect.


The photographs were released two days after the shoot, so five days ago. They chose four photos. One of each pose and, the other one which Rob had clicked randomly when we didn’t expect it. I didn’t think it was a good idea. But Mr Lawrence mailed me the photos. I saw the picture and it looked quite romantic. I don’t know how exactly, but we didn’t look like we hated each other or wanted to rip each other’s heads off. In fact, I even had a small smile on my face, a smile I didn’t remember being told to smile. Weird.

Anyways so, the pictures went viral. The audience seemed to love our pairing and twitter was flooding with #JennyAndHarry. It was quite overwhelming to be accepted so easily into the industry, and the movie hadn’t even been released yet! Mr Lawrence was beyond thrilled and Harry was indifferent.

 He’s been acting a little weird, or distant actually, after the photo-shoot. More distant than he normally was. I actually prefer it this way. I don’t think I really want to make conversation with him either. But one thing was clear, the photo-shoot was awkward for both of us. I don’t understand what happened there, or what I felt and why I felt it, or if he felt it too. It was just a strange feeling. One that I can’t put in words.

I was now making way to Mr Lawrence’s office, the one that I had come to for the auditions. Following the same way I had gone 2 and a half months ago, I found my way to his office. I walked in and sat in the lobby. After two minutes, Mr Lawrence sent Shelly, his assistant to tell me he was ready for me. I wasn’t told why I was being called here so I was a bit anxious.

I walked up to the door and knocked on it.

“Come in, Jenny!” I heard Mr Lawrence’s warm voice.

I opened the door to three four faces, instead of just Mr Lawrence, it was him, Harry and two faces that I had never seen before. One was a blonde lady with glasses. She looked around 32. Her hair pulled back in a tight chignon. How did her head not hurt? Shut up Jenny! Now is not the time. And the other was a man. Late 30’s? Maybe. He had jet black hair and blue eyes. They looked seriously intimidating, but kind at the same time.

Ok now I was nervous. Where was the cool and collected I’m-never-nervous Jenny? Yeah… she’s gone for a holiday in Barbados. What is wrong with me? Be serious Jenny!

“Sit,” The blonde instructed.

I sat in the seat in front of them.

“Jenny, this is Maria and that is Nathan. They are both representatives of the One Direction management.” Mr Lawrence spoke first.

“Oh! Hello!” I got off my seat a little and leaned forwards to shake their hand. Nathan looked sweet, and friendly. Which is much more than what I can say about that blonde monster. She was glaring at me like I’d asked for both her kidneys.

“So…” Nathan started, clapping his hands together. “Guinevere-”

“Jenny.” I cut him.

“Right, Jenny,  long story short, we want you to be Harry’s girlfriend.”


Is this some kind of joke? Because I don’t get it! Or is this his way of, I don’t know, asking me out? What a freak!

I looked at him questioningly. His eyes were glued to the floor.

“Basically…” Maria started.

“Harry’s image has been going down the drain lately. You know, with the drinking and different girls…” she carried on.

I was still shocked and speechless.

“And the audience seems to really like you guys as a couple. Rude comments against Harry have gone down drastically in just five days!” Nathan continued.

Still speechless.

“So we think you’ll would make a good couple. Tell the audience you’ll are a couple, it’s really as simple as that.” Maria shrugged.

Still speechless. But my eyes were dancing around like a ping pong ball as they took chances to kill me slowly.

“The movie will also benefit. You’re an actress Guinevere and pretty good, I’ve been told…” she stops, looking at Mr Lawrence. “So, act like a couple.” She said matter-of-factly.

I looked at Mr Lawrence and Harry with a begging expression. Mr Lawrence looked slightly apologetic and Harry was still looking at the ground.

“This is just a temporary measure of course. Once Harry’s image is restored, you’ll can call it quits. We’ll think of the reason, no worries.” Nathan tells me.

“But I have a personal life! I have a boyfriend!” I said, almost yelling. This was the first time I spoke.

“We are aware of that. But you will have to break up with whoever-he-is or keep the relationship as a secret. There will be NO outings for you and NO sharing the apartment. You will tell everybody that knows of your relationship that you are broken up. You CANNOT be seen with him.” Maria told me, coldly.

“And what if I reject this?” I glared at her.

“Then you’re out of the movie. Simple as that.” She said in a monotone.

I looked at Mr Lawrence. Surely they wouldn’t fire me! He was also looking at the ground this time.

“You’ve barely shot many scenes. We can find a replacement for you like that.” She said, snapping her fingers.

“But I can’t do that to Tyler!” I argued back.

“Then back out of the film.” Maria retorted.

“No!” I whined.

“You have till tomorrow to let us know.” She put some papers down and walked out of the door. Nathan followed but gave me a sympathetic look before closing the door after him.

It was now just Harry, Mr Lawrence and me. I remember 2 and a half months ago, I was here. Exactly here! And it was the happiest moment of my life. And here I am now, forced to make the toughest decision of my life.

I looked at Mr Lawrence. “I’m sorry, Jenny. I tried everything I could.” Mr Lawrence told me. “Just… think about it.” He said slowly and got up and walked out of the door. He was upset, I knew that. But couldn’t he have tried harder?

I glared at Harry.

“I’m sorry… Jenny.” He looked a little upset to. “This is my fault and you-”

“Please leave, Harry.” I told him coldly, tears threatening to fall.

“Je-” he tried again.

“LEAVE” I roared.

He sighed and made his way to the door.

“I am sorry.” He said softly and closed the door behind him.

I was finally alone. I was being forced to make a decision that I know will ruin my life either ways. And it wasn’t even my fault. I loved Tyler and I loved my job. I may never get such a shot again. I let the tears that had collected in my eyes overflow. I just kept crying, hoping I could wake up any moment now. My eyes were now burning, my throat was dry. But the tears refused to stop.

My life… was not perfect.

Not anymore.


We imagine Maria to look like Elaine Hendrix [Pic on the side:)]

And Nathan to look like Jason Bateman(who's pic we'll put up in a chapter where he plays an important part)

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Lots of love

BowsAndNutella xx

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