Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Guinevere’s POV

“Call Harry! Now! Why is this boy always late for the shoot? Jenny, love, please go see if he’s ready.” A flustered Mr. Lawrence spoke, wiping some sweat off his brow.

I rest my hand on his shoulder and nodded. “I’ll go check on him. Not to worry.” I flashed him a smiled before I hurried backstage and made my way to his green-room. I knocked on his door, seven times, just to piss him off. I think it worked when I heard an irritated “What?” from the other side of the door.

“Harold. You’re late. Mr Lawrence is mad. So get your big butt out and go see him before he has to pop pills for high blood pressure.” I half-yelled from the other side of the door.

Groan. Of course, that was expected. And then “Yeah alright! Coming!”

I made my way back to the set and told Mr Lawrence that he was on his way. He seemed to have calmed down slightly. He finally sighed of relief when Harry walked out onto the set, followed by Niall. I shot Harry a dirty look, which he reciprocated by sticking out his tongue. Yes, very mature, Harold. I turned to Niall and smiled, half-genuinely happy to see him and half-apologetically. He gave me a weak smile.

“Niall, son, we start soon.” Mr Lawrence told Niall, indirectly saying get off the set, you aren’t in this movie.

“Oh right! Sorry. Umm I’ll be in Harry’s room, if anybody needs me…or not…whatever.” He said, avoiding my gaze. Then he shrugged and made his way back out. Clearly, he was still upset about yesterday. I made a mental note to talk to him later.

I was distracted by Mr Lawrence handing out instructions. “Jenny, you actually don’t have many scenes today. Harry has most of them. Which is why he should have been on time.” He glared at Harry when he said his last sentence. Harry became slightly red and looked at the ground.

“Sorry," he mumbled under his breath.

“So why did you have to call Guinevere today? We could have shot without her.” Harry said, making a disgusted face.

It’s Jenny.” I said sternly.

“Like I care.” He retorted.

“Shut up you two. This is neither the time nor the place. She has ‘few’ scenes. Doesn't mean ‘none at all’. Now she is here whether you like it or not so you’re going to shut up about it, make a happy face and finish these shots because you’re already late and I’m in a horrid mood. So trust me when I say you don’t want to make it worse.” Mr Lawrence said in one breath. I’m sure I looked just as shocked as Harry. We have seen Happy-Mr Lawrence, Grumpy-Mr Lawrence, I should stop naming dwarfs! Back to the point. We’ve even seen tired, irritated Mr Lawrence. But this was an Angry-Mr Lawrence. Pure hot anger. Like a volcano. Sudden, but powerful. I’ve never seen him like this before. And judging by Harry’s expression, neither has he.

For a few seconds, we stood there, frozen. I opened my mouth to speak first. “Sorry Mr Lawrence.”  I said, my head hanging low.

“Sorry Mr Lawrence” Harry echoed after me.

“Hmm.” Mr Lawrence nodded and explained to us what he needed us to do.


 After shooting a few scenes, I was done for the day. It was only 11:56 am but Mr Lawrence told me to stay till at least 5 in case they need me for something.

“What do I do until then?” I asked him in a slightly annoyed voice.

“Watch? Relax? Explore the set? Go through lines? I know you probably don’t want to stay but we need you here, just in case.”

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