Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Yes Ty, I know…Yes, I am calm… Yes, but you need to shut up right now so I can answer their call instead of losing the opportunity while they listen to a busy tone and I sit here chatting with you!” I cut Tyler off. I probably shouldn’t have. He was my best friend. A really good best friend. He was telling me that I was a good actress and he knew it “in his heart” that this will happen for me and that I should just be patient and calm because this part was “so deffin-flippin-itely” going to be mine.

“I’m sorry… I just... I guess I’m nervous...” I said, apologetically.

“Not an issue, babe! I understand. Do you want me to come over? Be there when they call?” he asked in a genuinely caring voice.

“Yes please!” I said with a slightly high pitched voice. So yes, he was right. I was nervous. This boy knows me so well.

“Cool I’ll be there in 15”, he said and hung up immediately.

So Tyler and I know each other since our potty-training days. Our mothers were best friends in school. We knew each other decently well but we were never really friends, more like acquaintances. We got close a few years ago.

That happened when I moved to the city. I had to go apartment hunting and I could have used some help so Mom gave me his number saying he was a sweetheart and would readily help. He had lived in the city for two years already.

So I gave the boy a call and he seemed friendly enough. We met over coffee and I told him what kind of apartment I needed. We found a nice flat in about a week. It was around fifteen minutes away from his place. It was small, but it felt like home. Two rooms, small kitchen with a fridge, oven, stove and a few cabinets. But it still had a home-like feel to it. So he helped shift my stuff from the hotel room to the new flat. And I thanked him.

We didn’t really speak much after that, well, not for a few days anyways… Not until my arse of a boyfriend decided he wanted to sleep with another girl. I knew long distance relationships were hard! But I believed that if two people loved each other as much as we did, or, well, actually I did, we would be ok… Apparently not.

I was devastated. I needed someone. Somebody who could lend me a shoulder to cry on. Jane, my only friend in office had gone for a vacation.

So I called the only other person in the city that I knew. Tyler.

I remember the conversation on the phone. It was 1:00 am. He answered his phone after four rings. His groggy voice sounded so confused but worried at the same time.

“Jen? What’s going on? Why are you awake?” he said, his voice still thick with sleep.

I couldn’t talk. The only sound I made was my nose sniffing as the tears ran down my cheeks.

“Jen?” he sighed. “I’m coming over.” was the last thing he said, right before he hung up.

A few minutes later, he was outside my door with a tub of ice-cream. He didn’t even know why I was upset! I looked at the ice-cream tub and then back at him, questioningly. “Just in case.” He said as he shrugged. He walked straight in and enveloped me in a tight hug, my tears making his blue t-shirt slightly wet. “It’ll be ok” he kept saying into my messy hair.

That day onwards, we were friends. He helped me get over the arsehole. We met often and enjoyed each other’s company. That was two years ago.

 Now, we were inseparable.

I liked him. Ugh who am I kidding? I loved him. He hadn’t caught it so far and I didn’t have the nerve to say it. It could ruin the most amazing relationship I had in many years.

My thoughts got interrupted as the knocks on the door echoed through the room.

I ran towards the door and threw it open. “Ty!” I screamed as I pulled him into a bear-hug.

“Jenny!” he said, as he chuckled and wrapped his strong arms around me. “So they called yet?” he asked as he pulled away from the hug.

“No-” my reply got cut off by the ringing on my phone.

He smirked. His timing, as always, was impeccable. It’s like he was psychic or something!

“Hello,” I answered my phone, biting my lip to hide my nervousness.

“Yes, this is she. And it’s pronounced as Gwen-e-veer.” I said, for the millionth time in my life.

I looked up to a highly amused Tyler.

“What?” I said loudly. I’m pretty sure my eyes looked like saucers. “I am?” my voice was getting louder by the second. I looked at Ty with excitement bubbling through me. His face lit up and his mouth broke into a big fat grin. If I tried, I’m pretty sure I could count all 32 teeth!

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” I shrieked into my phone

“Tomorrow? 9am? Ok I’ll be there! Thanks again!” I said enthusiastically.

I cut the phone and flung my arms around Tyler. “I’m shortlisted! This could be my first movie! And it only happens to have the most gorgeous guy on the planet. Harry freaking Styles, Ty! ” I was jumping as we hugged and he chuckled.

 “I told you, didn’t I? And your crush on this guy is crazy, he’s not even that good-looking!” he asked, his grin still intact.

“You have bad taste in men”, I said with a slightly annoyed face.

“Yeah? Well, thank the Gods!” he answered slyly, his arms still around me.

We hugged for a few minutes, longer, much longer than normal people would. But it was comfortable. I didn’t feel like pulling away. I wanted to stay here forever. But I suddenly felt him pull away just a little. We still were just as close, but now my face was in front of his, instead of in his chest. His blue eyes were piercing, telling me something, asking me something. But I couldn’t tell what. My green ones were fighting a losing battle. We hadn’t blinked in the longest time. An unknown tension suddenly seemed to rise in me, one that made me break eye contact and look down. But we still stood the same way. My arms on his sides, his on my waist. He released my waist from one side and pulled my chin up to look him in the face. Except I didn’t really get to. My eyes shut right back up as I felt his soft lips brush against mine. It was a gentle kiss. It made me feel safe and warm…He held me like I was a delicate doll made of glass or something else that’s fragile. That was… different. A good different, a wonderful different.

As we pulled away, we looked at each other’s smiling faces. This was all I needed. Or at least that’s what I thought.

A/N: Hope you're liking it so far :) Arent Tyler and Jenny cute?! <3 

Let us know!


BowsAndNutella xx

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