Chapter 2

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"Hey are you keeping any secrets from me???" This is the first thing I see when I wake up to of course.
"No why do you ask." I try to play it off coolly so hopefully she doesn't notice.
"I got a text saying that my best friend is keeping secrets from me."
"Oh well I'm not you literally know everything."
"Ok I will be there in about 20 min to get you. BE READY!!! I am not waiting 10 mins while talking to your dad again.
I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom so I can get a shower. Plugging my phone into that speakers in the bathroom I blare Fall out boys "Thanks for the memories" Singing along I hear a banging and yelling at the door. This is how I wake my dad up every morning and he absolutely hates it.
    " Skylar Anne Thomas shut that darn music off." He yells but of course he does not say darn.
    "Never you will never silence me." I yell back laughing.
I hear him laugh and walk off, I have unofficially won this. I get out and when I get into my room my favorite song comes on, Rehab's "1980" I sing along putting on my clothes Black jeans, A black t-shirt and a Fall out Boy concert hoodie to cover up my cuts. I turn off my music and put my phone in my bookbag. I walk down stairs just in time to hear Annabelle pound on the door just so she can make my dogs bark.
    Pounding on her door is my favorite thing to do when I pick her up, I walk for twenty minutes by myself to get to her house and walk another fifteen so I think it's fair. We make our way down to the school, I know all of her secrets but I still think she is keeping something from me. When we get into the high school  we race to our lockers and of course I beat her Skylar is the slowest human being ever.
    Out of breath again, Annabelle always beats me I can never win a race against her. The first period bell rang and for me and Annabelle that is choir. I mean that can be fun at times but there are some kids that can really get on your last nerve. Choir is a bust nothing funny or entertaining happened not even something little like someone falls out of a chair. Second period was not any better all he did was ramble on about something called Bacon's rebellion. I mean he tried to entertain us by using silly puns I don't understand. Third period though is my favorite class period relaxation and it is wonderful, we barely do anything let alone something worth my time that class is an easy A.
    While sitting in class I get a text and I swear that these things are coming more and more often.
" tic toc tic toc the timer is running down you have 24 hours to find your precious daddy before it's too late. Love Ya!" - anonymous
    Oh m-my g-g-god that is t-the most horrible one yet. Yea I have gotten used to the name calling  but really the fact she has my father and she might just literally kill him, now this is a different story. After class I run to lunch and grab her away from Chase and Levi, Chase is Annabelle's boyfriend and Levi is Chase's best friend. Even though they can be incredibly annoying they are still some of my best friends.
    " OK so you know how I have been saying that I have absolutly not been keeping things from you. Well I have and I am really, really sorry."
    I show her the texts and as she reads farther and farther and her eyes get bigger and bigger.
    " Sky I-I i'm so so so sorry you have to go through this I will be with you all the way through and we can't say anything to any body else."
    We walk back to the table laughing acting like nothing happened or at least that what did happen we acted like that didn't happen. Chase and Levi questioned and questioned us but we did not give. Annabelle and Chase race motocross and Levi just rides, me I am learning but Annabelle's dad James has been working ridiculous hours so I haven't rode in a while.
    "My race yesterday was crazy, I got second place and I wrecked twice. Chase said all excited, I mean I kind of figured that he was racing he wasn't at school.
    " Yea good for you. I got pepper sprayed and got held up in a doctor's office for an hour." Annabelle glared at him for a good sixty seconds after that."
    " How did that happen?" Levi asked trying his hardest not to laugh.
    That got him glares to, after a good minute and a half of her just glaring at Chase and Levi she gestured her head toward me and the boys just started busting out laughing like we were joking.
    "Do either of you know how to track phones to like see where they are being sent from?" I ask Praying to God that at least one of them did if not one of them.
    " Yea I have had to do it before" Levi said
    " good ok I need all four of you to meet me at my house after school, like immediately it is a life and death situation."
    The bell rang before they could ask anymore I ran to my locker to get my bookbag and went to science.

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