Chapter 10

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  I wake up in the hospital, I have a pounding headache like I hit my head or something. I look over and I see my father, Annabelle, Chase, and Levi, they are all staring at me with amazement. I look down at my wrist to see the bandages wrapped up my arms.
    "There are some on your abdomen to, you really know how to get yourself into trouble now don't you." The nurse in front of me said so loudly I could hear my heart beating in my head.
    "Crap" I practically yelled
    "Yea crap you got yourself twenty-nine stitches and a concussion."
    I just sat there and looked blankly at my father, he looked like hadn't slept in three days. Tears are coming from Annabelle's eyes like waterfalls she grabs Chase by the shirt and he is just looking at me, holding her hand he was shaking. I slowly try to sit up but my head starts to spin and pound like crazy so I lie back down.
    My dad brought me my laptop so I wouldn't be bored all day, after about an hour I got super duper bored and I looked up conspiracy theories.I found one that really caught my attention, it claims that avril lavigne is really dead and some other girl that looks alot like her is acting like her so the music people would still make a bunch of money off of her. I got really bored after about twenty minutes so I shut my computer down and pulled out my phone. I turned on Scars by; Papa Roach and went to bed.
    It is now about three weeks later I am going back to school, the hospital has me on antidepressants life is horrible. They say they will make my life better but they make it ten times worse, I don't even take them any more most of the time. Levi now has his driver's licence which Chase sees as a good thing because now her doesn't have to act as our personal sopher. I mean Chase enjoyed it he had control of the radio and he wasn't stuck in the back seat. The worst part about it is Annabelle sits in the back with Chase so I am in front with Levi and I am probably going to die if we get in a wreck.
    Chase got his truck fixed, his dad wasn't as mad as we thought he was going to be. Levi got a navy blue Ford F-150 4x4 pickup nothing fancy, I honestly want Levi's truck more than Chase's. Right now it is about eleven o'clock at night on a friday so I am not worried about sleep but my dad made me take my antidepressants so I am very drowsy. I start to doze off and I am having another nightmare about that day. I am surrounded by blood, not a drop on my but everywhere else. I am floating up above everyone else, Annabelle, Chase and Levi are crying and the boys are hugging Annabelle. My eyes are starting to well up with tears, what have I done to myself, most importantly my friends.

I wake up in sweat and tears, shaking and afraid. Never have I ever waken up like this, This was the worst nightmare I have ever had. The horror of putting my friends through that let alone my dad, yes I know he was not in my dream but I could only imagine how hurt he would be. Saturday is normally a good day for me but today is all about writing my novel for school. It is due in a week and I am not even halfway there. I cannot concentrate on anything right now, Complete and total writers block. I have literally been writing for five hours, this is so ridiculous twenty thousand words. A novel written off the top of my head. I am not good at this kind of stuff, if I could I would stop where I am but obviously I can't I have to keep writing. Seven hours of writing it is ridiculous I only want to do one thousand five hundred words today but nope I wrote two thousand.
I know that that doesn't seem like a lot but coming up with it all by yourself is not very easy. I did not eat dinner because I was doing my homework so I am going to sneak downstairs in the middle of the night to eat something. I found my father sitting at the dining room table with his head in his hands.
"What are you doing up." I ask sitting down next to him.
"I can't sleep. What about you?" he looks at me.
"I have been doing homework all day I am hungry." I say laughing a little bit.
"Okay well there is left over taco's in the fridge." he said motioning his head toward the refrigerator.
I walk over and jerk open the door to find that it is almost empty other than the taco stuff sitting on the middle self and the milk in the door. I grab it out and carry it over to the microwave and stick it in, pressing 1:30 into the timer it roared to life. Taking all of the toppings out of the fridge and setting them on the counter, in the process stubbing my toe on the table. The timer beeped telling me the taco meat is ready, I grab the hot bowl out of the microwave and plop it onto the counter. I lay the soft taco shell out on my plate, cover it in sour cream, put the meat over to of the creamy white stuff, lettuce and cheese, and then drenching it in catalina salad dressing and mild taco sauce.
Taking it over to the table to eat it I am alone because my dad left when I stubbed my toe.  I eat in complete darkness the only light is the moonlight drifting it through the window. Dogs barking in the distance and the wind howling through the cold December night, a blanket of snow covers the ground and all of the cars. Winter is my favorite time of the year, nobody questions why I am wearing a hoodie all of the time because everybody is, and plus the long break we get for Christmas.
I finally get some sleep tonight, no nightmares, no night sweats, and no crying myself to sleep, just a peaceful deep good night's sleep. I wake up feeling refreshed and amazing, then I get a text from Annabelle telling me to wake my happy butt up because her mom is making her, Chase, Levi and I go to church with her. I used to enjoy going to church with my grandmother but now I don't normally have time. I have never enjoyed getting up for it let alone my grandma made me wear a dress, she would literally yell at me if I asked if I could wear jeans instead. I have never liked wearing dresses but really the one day a month Annabelle's mom makes us go to church is not that bad.
When they finally make it to my house I am dressed in a short navy blue dress with a jean jacket over top of it, full make-up done and phone in hand. Annabelle is in a black and white lace dress that goes down to her knees and a black tanktop under it. Chase is wearing khaki jeans I don't honestly know what they are called and a red polo. Levi is wearing the same thing but a green polo. driving down the road we see a car wreck along the side of the road.
The car looked so familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on where I had seen that car before. I sit back in my seat apparently it was obvious that I knew that I knew that car because Levi kept looking over at me while he was driving like I was still lying on that floor dieing.
" Hey sky are you okay you look nervous or something?" Levi asked his attention not leaving me.
" Yea i'm fine, I just feel like I know that car from somewhere." I say turning around in my seat hoping I would still be able to see the car from where I sit.
"Okay well if you think of it let me know because I was thinking the same thing. He said looking back toward the road.
We finally make it to the church about fifteen minutes later and I still have no idea I thought it would have dawned on me by now. Service is my least favorite time of church when the choir goes up is my favorite, I have always loved choir, I have been doing it since the seventh grade and I am a junior now. This church does not sing the old hymns like my grandma's church they sing more modern songs. My favorite is "We Believe" by the Newsboys I have always liked that one they are honestly my favorite christian band, solo singers on the other hand would be Francesca Battistelli. She is a great singer and my favorite song by her would be "Free to be me", all those songs are good songs altogether and I am glad we don't sing the hymns.
In the middle of the service I kind of just blackout almost except I see something, I don't recognize it at first but then the blur became clear, crystal clear. I recognized that car from the storage unit that my dad was locked in. it was the captured car, the person who kidnapped my father. That wasn't all I also saw that car alot on my road and also at school, it was either a person who I went to school with, a teacher, or a very very creepy stalker or person like that. I wake up and it is the end of the service and Annabelle is shaking me awake.
"You blacked out in the middle of service. My mom is going to kill you." She says practically screaming in my face.
"I know aside from that we need to get to the hospital now." I say actually yelling at Annabelle.
I take off running to the truck which Levi already has running Chase is in the back seat staring out the window and Annabelle jumps into the truck quickly behind me.
"Levi.Hospital.Now." I say in exasperated breaths, I really need to work on my running.
"Why?" he asks starting up the truck and putting it into gear.
" I will explain later just drive." I say pointing at the road.
Levi and Annabelle are trying to get it out of me why we need to go to the hospital the entire way there. I ignore them no matter how loud or how much the beg and plead. When we pull into the parking lot I don't wait for Levi to turn off his truck I just jump out and run in. Running up to the counter there are about three people in a line in front of me which give the rest of them to catch up with me.
"How may I help you?" The lady at the counter asks looking at me with a hint of annoyance in her voice, this lady has had a rough night apparently.
"Yes this person was admitted this morning around ten this morning was in a car wreck on state route fifty-three." I say almost falling over the counter on top of this lady.
"A man was admitted but unless you are on the visitors list he gave us or family we cannot let you pass."
"Okay then see if my name is on the list my name is Skylar Thomas." I say letting up on my anxiousness.
"Okay Skylar you are on the list his room number is 237 on the third floor but unless the three of them are on the list they cannot go in to see him."
"Their names are Annabelle Taylor, Chase Ringland, And Levi Kingler, but may I ask what is the man's name?"
"Okay all three are on the list and his name is Trevor Southbell."
I turn around to look at Chase Levi and Annabelle to see if they are thinking the same thing I did but they just walked off down the hall.We get into the room Trevor is in and he is sitting up in bed with his hands folded in his lap with a devilish grin on his face.
"Welcome I knew you would eventually figure out who I am, That old lady in front of me had a heart attack while driving causing me to crash so it kind of made it easier for you." He said the smile never leaving his face.
"What do you want from me, you almost killed my father. Do you know what that did to me?" I said pointing all over the place.
"Oh I know but I did not cause what almost killed you." He emphasised the word you.
"W-w-well I-I know that b-but what does that have to do with the fact that you stalk me." I say stuttering only a little bit.
"Nothing you were just indicating that I caused everything that has happened to you including that incident with your mother."
All huffy and puffy now I walk out of the room with my arms across my chest, I just needed his name and what  he looked like. Now all I have to do is go to the police. Thankfully he didn't realize I was recording the whole conversation.

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