Chapter 12

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He winked at Skylar, I was sitting beside her with Chase on my left and Annabelle to the left of him. Something looked suspicious about the way he winked at her and also the detective that walked him in. It took an hour for Rhodes to come back and get us but it was kind of worth the wait. Just sitting and waiting was great because we know, we knew that something was being done with Southbell and I knew that this was one of the most satisfying thing that we could give to Skylar. The look on her face when we found her dad, The problems that it caused her it was horrifying I could not imagine if that was my dad. The clock hit 1:30pm and four lives changed forever.
    Why did he wink at her that was just really weird I mean he is her stalker so it kind of makes since, but really that is just rude, unless he is planning something. Levi, Skylar, Annabelle and I are escorted into the detective's office. Skylar looks kind of on edge but I don't really think its much I mean her stalker is now in jail,I would be on edge to but I don't think that's it. Sitting in that office I got kind of bored, all they did was talk to us about how courageous that was for us to put our lives at risk to get that confession out of him. Its 1:29 and I start to hear something like a tick tick tick tick tick 1:30.
He winked at me, he freaking winked at me. That jerk why would he do that, he must be planning something, I need to keep my eyes opened for anything fishy. We sit in Rhodes' office for about fifteen minutes when I get and uneasy feeling in my stomach. I feel like I keep hearing something go tick tick tick like a clock is ticking, all of the clocks in this office are digital. Shaking my head I just come to the conclusion that I might just be overwhelmed by all of this. Time is ticking away, time I could have been with my father away from all of these people. Everything went in slow motion as that clock hit one-thirty, this box in the corner of the room burst into flames. I can see all of my friends flying backwards through the glass window, I look down at my arm and I am covered in blood and glass. Looking up at the ceiling I just accept this, I hit the ground and just go to sleep, I have nothing else to live for. My friend are the only thing keeping me alive, now they are gone and so am I. I lie there as I slowly drift into the sinking abis of death. I am done, I am done, nothing else is keeping me here. Goodbye.

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