Chapter One | Broken

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The dimension was a quiet one. Despite the bright, demented, and colorful look to its 'sky', and the large shards of rock that impossibly hovered in the air, it was very, very, very quiet.

"Man, this is lame!" See-More gripped as he plopped on the ground, his back sliding against the energized bars of his prison. "How long are we gonna be stuck in here?"

"As long as that Herald character decides to keep us here, I'm supposing," answered an older man. He stood in a similar cell beside the teenage thief. "And by the looks of things, I don't think he will be releasing us anytime soon."

"Super..." See-More mumbled, mostly to himself. "I hope Jinx and the others are alright..."

The older man spared the teenager a sideways glance and nothing more. He looked down at his chest piece and snarled.

"Looking for this?" a suave voice asked, cutting into the renewed silence. The two prisoners glanced up to see a dark skinned, purple robed teen relaxing on one of the massive floating rocks overhead. He smiled down at them as he played with a disk shaped object in his hands. "Warp, is it?"

"Crafty Titan..." The man deemed Warp sneered. "What exactly is your intention in keeping us locked up like this?"

"Yeah, man, what gives!?" See-More added, jumping up. "Aren't you, like, one of the good guys or somethin'?"

"I dunno," Herald replied lazily, attaching the disk to his belt before standing up. "I just thought I could use some company, I guess. It does get kinda lonely around here."

"He can't be serious..." Warp hissed, looking over at the teenager. See-More could only shrug in return.

"So why'd yall attack me anyways?" the Herald continued, jumping off his rock and floating gracefully down onto the one they were imprisoned on. "Better yet, how'd yall even find me? I didn't think anyone even knew about this place."

See-More was about to open his mouth and say something until Warp gave him a dangerous look. The teenager immediately sealed his mouth closed again.

"Sorry, but you won't get any information out of us," the time-based villain insisted, turning his glare to the Titan. 

"Really now?" Warp said softly, looking from Warp to See-More. The single eyed thief merely grinned sheepishly. A slow smile spread over the Titan's face."Mind if I show you guys something?"

"Uhh..." Warp and See-More said in unison, sharing a look, but before they could give a full answer the Herald spun around and, pulling out his trumpet, blew out a note that ripped open a hole above a particularly massive floating rock.

The two criminals could only stare on as a humongous black and blue dragon tumbled out from the new rip and crashed into the rock. From there it simply thrashed and breathed fire as it tried to move, similar bands of energy that made up the prison bars encircling  the massive creatures body.

"I believe he said his name was Malchior, the dread dragon," the Herald said, smile still on his face. Warp and See-More only continued to stare with wide eyes/eye. "I trapped him in here a little while after you guys."

"Insolent human vermin!" the dragon labeled Malchior roared. "Release me from these binds lest I burn your body alive and devour you!"

The rocks shook beneath his voice and See-More lost his footing.

Herald, however, seemed unfazed."I was going to use said binds to keep his mouth closed as well," the dark teen mused as he watched the raging dragon. "But the constant death threats kinda grow on you after awhile, ya know?"

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