Chapter Twenty-Three | Problems

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What drives you? What gives you purpose in this world, gives you the strength to go on? A voice questioned, though it sounded too far away to make out whose it belonged to.

I immediately knew the answer, it was so much a part of me that I believed this question to be completely pointless. If this person knew me, and they had to know me, then they already know what the answer is.

Thieving, I answered without a moment's hesitation, even saying the word out loud was enough to get my blood pumping. That's all I ever need in this world, as long as there's something to steal then there's something worth living for.

You do not believe this to be a simple purpose? Simply to steal? Does your heart and mind not desire more out of life, out of your own life?

No, I answered, even quicker than before, almost cutting off my questioner. It doesn't.

What of your feelings towards women? What of your desire for companionship? You know that you feel these feelings, do you not acknowledge them?

They are not real feelings; they are distractions. Nothing more than obstacles in my way.

So, is that why you chose to side with Robin, twice, and chose to help rescue Blackfire and work together with Kyd Wykkyd and See-More? They were obstacles, yet you chose to work with them, not go through them.

I only did those things to help serve me! I shouted back. I only worked with bird boy when I did because if I didn't then I would be in jail right now! I am only trying to rescue that alien and work with those two thief posers for the Zinothium! That's it! They are only obstacles and they are only getting in my way!

So then, why did you bother to drag See-More's corpse down with you? Surely his body was only getting in your way as well.

I feel silent at that, a cold chill running down the entirety of my body.

Just answer me one thing, Red-X, the questioner continued, his voice now sounding much closer and much more familiar. Who are you trying to convince? You? Or yourself?


"-at?" Red-X finished out loud as he bolted up right from his slumber. Though, as soon as he did, a great pain immediately racked his rib cage and he quickly fell bad down against the rock bed, cursing and groaning in pain.

"Ah. You're awake," a stoic voice observed. Red-X glanced over in his pain and quickly caught eye of Fixit who was standing near some sort of cave entrance, a roaring fire crackling beside him. Though the thief quickly surmised that it was technically the exit as they were inside the cave itself.

"What happened to me?" Red-X managed to groan out, trying his best to lie still as to not disturb his pained body.

"You survived a spaceship crash, to put it simply," Fixit replied, red eyes fixed on the teen. "Though you have fractured several of your ribs, sprained your ankle, and have a minor concussion. I suggest that you stay awake for the time being."

"Oh, is that all..." Red-X sighed, carefully feeling his body with his hands.

"You should consider yourself lucky. Not many people make it out of such a collision with minor injuries."

"Speak for yourself," the thief returned, groaning again as his fingers traced over his ribs. A sudden thought however made him almost completely forget about his pain. "Hey, where's See-More? Is he...?"

"See-More is over there, by the cave wall." Fixit motioned his hand over by Red-X. The thief turned his head enough to see that See-More was lying down much the same way he was, though Red-X couldn't help but notice how still and motionless he was.

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