Chapter Thirty-Seven | Window, Part Two

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See-More was not a fan of the scaly looking stairs. It was bad enough that it was taking him forever to walk down the never ending spiral staircase, but just the sinister feeling that they seemed to give off only made him want it to be over with quicker.

"Hey, Fixit, can't I just run down the stairs?" See-More asked out loud. In response, his vision was suddenly pulled downwards, the eyes shifting until it was at the lens that allowed for his eyesight to see vast distances. "Whoa, man, hang on!" See-More called out as he tried to steady himself, the suddenness of the action almost made him fall.

"We will continue our descent at the pace we are going," Fixit's voice rang out. See-More stopped moving so he could focus on what Fixit wanted him to see. The spiral staircase reached down for what looked like miles. "If you go any faster, you will not have the energy to continue once we've reached the bottom."

"Daaaaang. How many steps do you think that is?"

"It is exactly--"

"Wait, wait, no, actually, I don't want to know," See-More interrupted before making his way back down the stairs. Fixit fell silent and the thief continued his solo journey, the only sound being the contact of his feet on each step. "So, do you know what exactly I need to have energy for when I-- er, we get to that dungeon?"

Immediately, his lenses began to shift again until it was at the x-ray vision. His eye was then pulled so it was looking directly at a large room near the center of the numerous hallways that made up the expansive dungeon. Inside that room, See- More could see thousands of bodies. They were too far away to make out any details, but he could tell they were focused on what looked like some sort of alter at the far end of the room. And, while he could tell there was something on top of it, he could not tell what.

"Man...that's a lot of people! Do you know what's going on in there, Fixit?"

"Unfortunately, I am limited to only seeing what you can see."

"Oh, well, sorry about that...So, those are all Tameranians in there?"

"That is most probable."

"So, are we supposed to fight them all?"

"No, we would lose and be killed."

"Oh..." See-More continued down the stairs waiting for anything further as his vision was allowed to go back to normal. "So..."

"It is in our best interest if Blackfire is with them. There is a high probable chance that she will be with her people."

"I see. So, if Blackfire is with them...then we don't have to fight all of the other aliens?"


"And, er, how does that work out?"

"You are going to challenge Blackfire for the crown."

"A crown? Whose crown, Blackfire's?"


"Is it like...really expensive or something?"

"You are missing the point, See-More. You are going to challenge Blackfire for rule over Tamaran."

"Wait, I'm going to what?!" See-More exclaimed, stopping abruptly.Though, not knowing where to look, he chose to stare angrily at the ground. "Wait, man, I can't rule a planet! I need to rescue my friends, I can't be--"

"Calm yourself, See-More, I do not expect you to rule anything."

"Then why--?"

"Continue your descent and I shall explain."

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