Chapter Thirteen | Insight

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"That's quite the prize you've got there," Red-X remarked as soon as See-More and I stepped into the kitchen. His masked head tilted towards the small green figured tied up in a chair centered in the middle of the room. "Not even I have managed to steal a Titan before."

"Yeah, they didn't even see it coming!" See-More answered with a laugh, slapping me on the back. "Kyd Wykkyd just swooped in and grabbed him right underneath all of their noses!"

I glanced over at my teammate. While there was now a familiar smile on his face, I couldn't help but hear an undertone of something beneath his cheerful tone.

"A commendable feat, to be sure," a stoic voice commended as Fixit and Blackfire's orb both floated into the room. Fixit regarded me with a blank expression.

"I see you managed to steal a hostage for me after all... And a very good one at that," Blackfire's voice hummed from the robot as the red lens examined the green teen. "Am I to assume the rest of his little team is still in the city as well? And what of the honorary Titans?"

"The other Titans are still at their tower," Fixit answered, still looking me dead in the eyes. I found myself almost compelled to look back into his blank stare. "And the honorary Titan, Kid Flash, along with Jinx remains within the city as well."

"Jinx. She was a member of your team once before. Your leader, if I'm not mistaken?" Blackfire quipped.

"Yeah, she was our leader," See-More replied, the dark undertone even more evident now. I broke my shared look with Fixit to see my teammate now gazing at the floor, his hands clenched into fists. "But not anymore."

"See-More, your disguise is gone. Did you and Kyd Wykkyd happen to run into any trouble?" Fixit asked, his gaze now focused on the dark skinned teen.

The one-eyed criminal kept his gaze at the ground, refusing to answer.

"See-More, look at me."

While it sounded more like a request than a demand, See-More immediately looked up into Fixit's gaze. The two shared a look for several seconds before the mechanic let out a weary sigh.

"It would seem See-More fired upon Kid Flash and Jinx," Fixit said in a soft breath.

"He what?!" Red-X exclaimed, standing up fully from his previously relaxed position against the wall. "Are you insane? You could have ruined this entire operation with that stunt, kid."

"We got away before anyone saw us!" See-More shot back. "They've got no idea who did that!"

"That isn't the problem," Red-X retorted, squeezing where the bridge of his nose lay behind the mask. "The problem is that they know that someone shot at them. They are going to be on high alert now and, now that green skin over here is with us, the Teen Titans have probably already rounded up those two to try and hunt us down."

"That isn't necessarily true," Fixit spoke up, causing See-More and Red-X to look over at him. I already had my gaze almost forcibly fixed with his once again as the villain continued. "From what I can gather, Kid Flash works mostly alone, and not only that but he has quite the superiority complex. One could assume that he believes he can handle us on his own and, for the most part, he can."

"Well, that's reassuring." Red-X sighed, leaning back against the wall.

"But Kid Flash has changed since the last time your team has fought him, hasn't he?" Fixit continued, and it almost felt like he was speaking directly to me the way his eyes seemed trained on my own. "He is not just one man running solo anymore. He has a love. He has a weakness."

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