Chapter Thirty | Teamwork, Part Two

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"Gone? What do you mean she's gone?"

"What, you got crud in your ears or something? She left. She crumming left!"

"Maybe she had to get more girl stuff, or somethin'."

Kyd Wykkyd placed a simple piece of paper on the table that they all sat around. Written in hot pink letters were the words: 'Sorry, it just wasn't working out.'

"She probably just high tailed it and went to saddle up with them Brotherhood o' Evil folks!" Billy Numerous pointed out, his clones nodding in agreement.

"No way! I tried calling in to those skuzz brains and all they said was that Jinx would never be one of them before they disconnected on me!"

"But then where would she go?" Mammoth pressed, his large hands clenching and un-clenching.

"Don't ask me!" Gizmo said in a huff, folding his arms.

Kyd Wykkyd merely shrugged while the Billy's all collectively scratched their heads and stroked their chins.

Finally, all at once, the HIVE Five turned to their last member and a voice that did not belong to any of them asked: Well, See-More, did you see anything?

See-More woke up with a gasp.

"Ah, See-More, good to see you are finally awake," Fixit greeted.

 See-More immediately tried to see where Fixit was, but through one side of his head he could only see a wall while the other side only revealed pitch blackness.

"Fixit? Where are we?"

"To my knowledge, we are still in the catacombs of the Tamaranian dungeon. The Titans bound us and placed us in what appears to be an interrogation room."

"Ah, man! They aren't gonna leave us here, are they?"

"I do not know. While I no longer have the power required to read their minds from this distance, I can still sense that they are outside."

"What do you think they are doin'?"

"Deciding what to do with us."

See-More fell silent at that. He could still remember what Raven said to him when she caught him in her room. He was just a bad guy to her. They don't free bad guys or help them escape. They lock away back guys and leave them to rot.

"Fixit, we gotta find a way outta here."

"I am aware of that. However, I'm afraid there is nothing more that I can do. You, on the other hand, have everything you need at your disposal."

"Me? But my eye is all smashed up and broken!"

"I would advise you to keep your voice down. You are not broken, See-More. Although it may be hard to tell in this darkness, I have managed to repair you to near full capacity while we have been bound here."

"What? But, how? You don't have any arms."

"No, but neither do I have blood. That does not mean I do not bleed when I am damaged. My insides are compromised of microscopic, symbiotic robots whose main function is to repair me should I sustain penetrating injuries to my body. I have reprogrammed them to repair you instead."

"Whoa. Hey, but, wait, what about you then?"

"I will die--"

"What! Wait, no, you can't die!"

There was a sound of steps coming from outside the dark room.

"Silence, See-More. I will die without them, so I have also manually begun downloading myself into you."

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