Chapter Thirty-One | Understanding, Part One

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Most of us remained silent as we hung against the blackened walls. The way the blackness held us reminded me of that bearded guy on a cross I seemed to always see hanging on kitchen walls in the houses I used to steal from. 

Across the room hung 26 and a very large, bearded Tamaranian. The prior had been trying to goad the floating Titan in the center of the room into an argument since we all awoke, while the latter remained silent as he continually glared at See-More who was hung up on the wall beside me. Not that my fellow thief would ever notice—the blackness having wrapped itself around his single eye.

"Come on, Rae, you are going to have to answer me sometime," Number 26 was saying, smiling and looking very confident despite the position we were all in. "My guards are going to find us eventually, and I don't think you can keep us all like this forever."

"No one will find us here," Raven finally answered, though she remained floating Indian style with her eyes closed. "I destroyed that device you had on your wrist—I believe you used it to communicate with your associates?"

Amongst other things.

I caught Number 26's glance in my direction. It was quick, but I caught it. I raised my shoulders slightly and still to my surprise I felt nothing cold and metallic press against my neck and face. The collar really was gone.

Not that it does me much good right now.

For what felt like the millionth time, I tugged against my black restraints. I might as well have been melted into the walls themselves.

"Well then, what are your intentions?" Number 26 continued as she now glared at the Titan, smile gone. "Are you just going to keep us here until your powers run dry?"

"Why have you captured us, Blackfire? Why bring us to Tamaran?"

Number 26's smile returned slightly. "Like I am ever going to tell you."

Raven was silent then. Slowly, her eyes opened until the clear, black orbs were focused on 26. "Then I think you and I are through."

And with that, the blackness began to pull Number 26 into the wall.

"Wait, wai-!" Number 26 cried out, but the blackness wrapped around her mouth as it continued to pull her further and further in.

"DO NOT HARM HER!" A great thunderous voice bellowed. I looked over to see it come from the giant Tamaranian who was now pulling against the blackness, strangely looking almost as though he could pull free. "I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE ANOTHER CHILD FROM ME!"

Raven's eyes focused on him and immediately dark strands reached out from the black walls, but only to hold the alien in place.

"I remember you," Raven spoke softly. "You're Starfire--"

"I was Koriand'r's k'norfka," the large alien growled, still breathing heavy. "Until you godless Titans murdered her!"

Raven looked at the great alien and a brief glimpse of horror overtook her face, but it was quickly erased.

"We did not murder her," Raven insisted, managing to remain calm and stoic. "Starfire is still alive, she--"

"Don't spit your lies at me!" the alien interrupted, glaring even more fiercely at the Titan. "I've seen your tower. I've seen what lows Earth have sunk to gain Tamaran's attention!"

"What are you talking about? What about the tower?"

Number 26 then giggled. I looked over to see that the blackness had removed itself from her mouth, probably because the Titan wasn't as focused any longer.

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