Chapter 4

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I grabbed my stuff from under the tree and decided I should go back to class. As soon as I got through the curtains of the willow tree I saw the boy getting out of the pond,fury in his eyes.
-"Need a towel?" I chuckled. He just growled as a response.
-"No thanks I'll just do a spell to dry myself."
-"Yeah...about that.Sorry,not sorry."I gave him a sickly sweet smile and left.

Finally I was in my last class,Magical Disguises. I was itching to get out of here. All everyone did was stare at me and it was getting extremely irritating.

The teacher,Mr.Von,is explaining everything we are going to be covering during the year. It's so boring.I mean like, I already know all these spells and all I want to do is transform him into a mosquito so people would squash him. I mean,why shouldn't I,nothing is stoping me and it would be quite amusing. But mother did say that I came here to practice so I could get stronger. Maybe that's what's holding me back from killing him.

Since I was so bored I decided to play a little mind game on someone. Let's see...not you,no,nope...Aja! May is the perfect candidate for doing a little mind game right now. She's weak but not to weak. Strong enough to be easy for me.

I got inside her mind quickly and planted an image of a dark,foggy,creepy forest in her head. She stared all around probably wondering how the hell she got there. I planted the image in her mind and started making her hear whispers.  I made them really low and started making them louder, saying things like:"Your gonna die","Run","We're coming for you" and etc. She looked around,fear sketched in her face and then she started to run. The thing is not only in her mind but also in the classroom. Everyone stared at her like she was crazy. Me,well I just cackled like a maniac and with that everyone joined in on my laughter till the whole class was cracking up.

Suddenly a hand slaps on my desk top. Immediately my concentration falls and there is no longer an illusion on May's head. Now she looks confused as in why the fuck she is standing in the middle of the classroom and everyone is laughing and pointing at her. I look up to see a familiar pair of green eyes staring at me. Huh,so he takes this class with me. How convenient.
-"Stop" he growls at me.
-"Hey,you dried yourself."
-"Don't change the subject. I saw your eyes glowing. You were playing a mind game on her."
-"So stop. There is no reason for you to embarrass her like that."
-"And there is no need for you to interrupt my fun." I say.
-"Mrs.Belladonna,is what Mr.Avalon said true? Did you cast a mind game on Mrs.Lorenz?"says Mr.Von asks.
-"And what if I did?"
-"You get detention"
I knew that I would have to put a spell on him to believe me,thanks to Mr.Avalonblabblermouth here. So I looked him dead in the eyes and said:
-"I did not do it,and you just imagined all of this situation." And with the Belief spell,he believed me. I was officially off the hook.


Finally,freedom from hell! Although I personally think hell is more fun than this school. I was on my way to the manor,or in simple words,my house. But,when I was halfway,a hand grabbed my wrist. Now,who the fuck dares to touch me like that? Oh...of course. Why didn't I think of this sooner.
-"Mr.Avalon,I would appreciate if you let me go right now or I'll make you let me go."He ignored my request like expected. He is the only person that disrespects me. I mean that cheerleader with the nasally  voice this morning did,but when I put her in her place she stopped. But this one. This one doesn't seem to get through his thick skull that he should be scared of me. Not threatening me. Who the hell does he think he is to be against me! For heavens sake me out of all witches and wizards! Me! Daughter of the most evil and powerful witch of all time! What is wrong with this idiot?!
-"You used a spell on the teacher"
-"No shit Sherlock. I thought he was just being flexible for the sake of me."
-"You disgust me.You always get it your way,don't you?!"
-"What the fuck is your problem! If you can't stand me than ignore me and act like I don't fucking exist!And don't talk like you know all about my life. How do you even know if I always get it my way,you don't know shit about me!Let me go you asshole!"His grip tightened on me.
-"You hurt and humiliate people just for the fun of it! Do you think that is fair?!"
-"I don't think of that. After all its how I have been raised. I can't help it if I'm a bitch it's in my blood." With that I sent a current of electricity through my arm making him let go of me. As soon as his hand lost contact with my arm I magically transported myself in front of the manors gate.

What is his fucking problem with me. I know that probably the whole magical universe hates me because of my mother but no one has ever confronted me like that. Just with this fight I have decided that he will be my target with my next schemes. Especially ones that will get him in trouble. This is revenge, no one speaks to me like that! No one!

A/N: I swear I'll try and make the next chapter longer. Sorry if it was to short.

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