Chapter 1

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Tell me what you think guys! I've taken a different style of writing this time :D


Tyler Lachlan. This name means everything from evil, sly, smart, mischievious and just plain devious. She's notorious for all of these things but...there's one thing she's not known for. On the side, she plays a prissy, typical blonde girl who likes to screw guys over after leeching off them. Oh, how fun.

And then there's Levon Meriwether. Someone who likes to stay out of everything and anyone. He's a nerd who has a boisterous personality. And when he hears about Tyler, there's only one thing he wants to do.

Make her fall for him.


I slammed the door of the gorgeous, sleek Lamborghini and smiled smugly. Harrison or Henry or - whatever his name was, scurried after me, clutching at least twenty shopping bags. I walked off without him and stopped at the front of my house.

"Thanks for the date." I lied.

I still had a little empathy in me. I mean, I wouldn't want someone to go up to my face and say 'Hey, the date was shit and you're totally stupid if you think you've got a chance with me.'

He smiled genuinely and replied, "I'm glad. I hope we can do this another day."

Not after you go to hell, I thought. I zipped open my satchel and pulled out a stylish hand-gun. I pointed it at him, closing one eye to aim.

He stumbled backwards. "W-what are you doing, Tyler?"

I grinned mischeviously. "Bang and you're dead!" I said, pretending to shoot.

Okay, I admit it, I'm a tad dramatic. But how else do you get the guy you screw over to not spread rumors about you?

Do something absolutely crazy that no one will believe.

There's been guys who've told their friends about me and what do they get in return?

A weird look and an admission to the mental hospital.

He panicked and clambered to the door of his car.

"It's okay, I won't kill you." I said reassuringly.

He started breathing again.

"But I just wonder...if a bullet goes straight through your heart, will it come straight out through the other side?" I muttered, sadistically.

His eyes widened. "'re crazy."

I smiled.

"Okay, I've got to agree with you on that one. I'm sincerely..crazy. But I'm not as disgusting and ghastly as you are. Willing to become a slave for someone just because they has good looks? Oh, Harrison-"

"My name's David." he interrupted.

"Whatever. You're stupid. I'm smart. You're wrong. I'm right. You just spent over three grand. I get to keep the clothes. Get it yet? You. Got. Screwed. Over." I said, saying every word loud and clear.

He panicked.

"What? Please tell me this is a joke."

I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry." I tugged at my blonde wig which came off and revealed my outrageous pink hair which ended with blue tips.

"You're the Tyler Lachlan? I can't believe it." he exclaimed, backing away to his car.

I grinned.

"Neither can I."


OHOHOHOH I'VE STARTED A NEW STORY ONCE AGAIN. And yes, I've neglected my other stories. But LMPYW readers, it'll be up in no longer than two days and Love Is Hard will be up sometime this week! Anyways, tell me what you think! Comment and Vote! I love you! <3

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