Chapter 3

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I raced into my room straight after I finished an uneventful day of school. Mostly filled with me snapping back at teachers and pouring paint into people's lockers. A typical day for me. But the only thing on my mind then was going to this party tonight and ruining it for everyone.

I yanked on a short silver dress which was covered in sequins and pulled some black heels on my feet. Mum wouldn't approve of this outfit, I thought. Laughing, I chucked my blonde wig on. Oh, this thing itches. While trying to endure the itchiness, I applied some dark make up on. What a bother.

Soon enough, I was done and the only thing left was to wait for Mel to pick me up. I was bored. I didn't like waiting. Who does? Sitting around, doing practically nothing, and waiting for someone you didn't even know was really going to come. Oh, how nice.

I sighed loudly and kicked my feet up into the air. I dug around underneath my bed and found all kinds of stuff. A mouldy sock, a few balls of paper, a bunch of my old diaries from when I was a little kid and

Who the hell was this? It was a tiny guy, probably five or six. Brown hair, green eyes. Nothing special. Except for the fact it was under my bed, of course. I shrugged it off and headed downstairs, grinning at my dad who was reading a bunch of old comics.

"Oh, the old superman comics!" I exclaimed.

He nodded and continued reading. "You're going out for a party tonight, aren't you?" Dad said, rapidly turning the pages of his comic.

"Yeah." I murmured.

I could see the slight smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Come back before morning and don't get drunk. Be responsible, Yes, me." he said, closing his book and grinning at me.

I chuckled. "You responsible? I don't think so, dad. In your pervy dreams."

Dad chuckled along with me and gave me a fake stern look. "Have I been sleep-talking lately? How do you know about my dreams?"

Before I could return with a snarky comeback, the tune of 'Happy Birthday' rang throughout the house.

Don't ask me why..but our doorbell had the tune of 'Happy Birthday'. I pulled open the door and fistbumped Mel.

"It's 'bout time."

She gave me a funny look. "You're just early."

Mel grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the house. "Bye Mr Tyler's Dad!" she yelled behind her.

I got into her new convertible, not stopping to admire it's beauty and brilliance. It was nothing new. Mel was rich after all. Her parents were, I mean.

"How'd you talk your dad into getting you a new car?" I asked, curiously.

Mel snorted. "Didn't. Stole it from Kain."

I rolled my eyes.

Mel raced against the traffic, speeding past red lights and scraping past people crossing the road. The adrenaline rushed through my veins. I cheered loudly. This is how I liked it.

Fast and dangerous.


I jumped out of the car and slammed the door. I walked up to the guard with Mel, putting on my best fake smile.

"Hello." I purred.

The guard blinked intoxicatingly but then snapped back to reality. "Ah-um..your name?"

I grinned. "Britney."

There had to be a Britney on that list. He shuffled through the list and nodded.

"And you?" He said, gesturing towards Mel.


Yes, that was her real name. Mel hated it. She thought it made her sound all girly. She hated that more than anything. There was no doubt her name was on the list. Mel was always invited to exclusive parties because she was rich and people liked to suck up to her.

The guard led us in and we were faced with a bunch of idiots dancing and jiggling their asses off. Mel grinned deviously at me.

"So what's the plan?" She looked at me expectantly.

I laughed evilly, sending a chill up Mel's spine.

"Who said anything about a plan?" I said, smiling wickedly.


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