Chapter 2

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"And he thought that toy gun was real?" my mother chuckled, her wrinkles prominent.

My dad laughed along, rubbing his belly. "I can't believe you still kept that thing. It's been about ten years since I won that for you at the arcade."

I smiled. I loved my parents. They were carefree, happy and let me do whatever I wanted. I dug my fork into my chicken and listened to my mother tell my dad about the new girl who came in at work today. Nothing could beat this.

"And that new girl. She had this puffy orange hair and she just looked revolting. I almost puked when I saw her, you know? Her dress was so was just disgusting. I bet the boss chose her for her assets." my mum rolled her eyes.

My dad chuckled, scooping some potato mash into his mouth.

"I bet she glared at you and gave you an ugly look at your clothes!" I guessed.

My mother nodded. "Not only did she do that..she offered to let me borrow one of her dresses. She said it as if it was an honour or something."

I laughed and my dad laughed along.

My mother furrowed her eyebrows. "So how is school, Tyler?"

I gobbled up my peas and answered, "Same old, same old."

My parents looked concerned.

"Don't worry. I'm still hanging out with Mel and my marks are fine. I don't attract too much attention. I'm eating my meals and I'm having fun. Is that good for you?" I smiled.

They nodded.

"We're glad."


I closed the door of my room and sighed loudly. Guys were just so disgusting and superficial. My hair's pink and blue, I listen to a different sort of music and I'm just immediately classified as 'punk' and 'dangerous'. Not like I'm one to talk, of course. I judge guys with just one look but I'm usually right, aren't I?

I threw on an oversized t-shirt and put my headphones on. Paramore's Ignorance blasted out of my headphones. I smiled at the lyrics which calmed me down considerably. It's not easy playing a typical blonde girl all the time. From punk to princess? Now that's something you've got to try. It's not as easy as it looks.

You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me

Sentence me to another life

Don't wanna hear your sad songs

I don't wanna feel your pain

When you swear it's all my fault

'Cause you know we're not the same

I lied down on my bed and just relaxed, my music calming my whole body down. The door opened and I jolted. I pulled my headphones off and looked at my mum.

"Mel's on the phone." she said, smiling kindly.

I nodded and with tiresome effort, I crawled over to the phone.

"Sup Mel?" I said, ruffling my hair.

"Hey Ty, I heard you screwed David Georges over."

I could just imagine the evil smile that was forming on her lips. "Yeah, what about it?" I shrugged.

After a moment's silence she answered, "There's a party tomorrow night..."

I grinned. "And you were planning on going?"

The other line remained silent for a while but then a lot of yelling and screaming came after. "Shit. Dad's using the 'kick you out of the house' threat. See you at the Meriwether residence, yeah?"

"Yup, see you there." I said and the line was dead.

All that was left to do was think up of a massive prank that would ruin the whole party.

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