Chapter 7

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"Last night was fun, wasn't it?" Mel said, annoying me with the same question for the six thousandth time today.

I glared at her and muttered, "Yes, it was. Will you please get out of my hair now?"

She moved herself right in front of me and then wiggled her eyebrows. "Not until you tell me if you've got the hots for Levon!"

"Mel, I told you already! I do not like Levon! I won't even see him again, I bet you." I said, pushing her away.

"Aww, come on Tyler! Just admit it! You ha-" she paused mid-sentence to gape at something on the left of her.

"Hm?" I looked at where she was staring and my jaw dropped too. I pulled my friend into the nearest dark corner.

"What the hell is Levon doing here?" I whispered.

Mel chuckled and stuck out her tongue. "His brother goes to this school, remember? Why wouldn't he go to this school too?"

"B-but..he's a nerd! Wouldn't he go to some rich boarding school were all the snotty kids hang out? And why haven't we seen him before?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

Mel hit me on the head. "Tyler...doesn't everyone blend into the background for us? I don't think we know anyone's name in this school and I'm pretty sure it's impossible for us to notice a nerd-looking guy like Levon."

I glared at my friend before looking away, embarrassed at my prissy-girl outburst. "You're right." I spat out.

She took me by the arm and dragged me out into the hallway again. She put on a serious expression and then said, "Tyler, I know this is hard for you but you'll just have to accept it. Be a man and go tell that guy what you need to tell him."

I laughed at her serious voice. "You are not making me go up to Levon and telling him that I-" I felt myself get pushed into something hard.

"-love him," I finished before looking up into those strange green eyes I had admired yesterday.

"Hey, it's wig-girl from yesterday! So..who is it that you love?" Levon said, picking me up from the ground.

Mel took the chance to butt in, "Oh, she was just about to say how much sh-"

I clamped Mel's big fat mouth shut with my hand before she had the chance to say anymore. "She wants to go to class." I finished for her, pulling Mel with me.

I sat her down on a desk and then circled her. "What the fuck were you thinking?" I yelled.

"See! You were worried! So you do like him!" she exclaimed.

"For the hundredth time today, I do not like him."

Mel looked at me with disbelief. "Whatever you say, Tyler."

I didn't like him..I mean..he was an okay friend and all but I didn't like like him, right? It was impossible to fall in love after one night. I don't believe in that love at first sight bull crap. I didn't like Levon..


Ahahahahahaha :) So what do you think? Has Tyler got the hots for Levon? We'll see, we'll see. Next chapter is Levon's POV and the action will F I N A L L Y start! <3

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