Chapter 6

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"Wow, I feel so rebellious." I muttered sarcastically, licking my melting ice cream.

Levon chuckled. "I'm sorry. Eating ice cream at a petrol station is about as rebellious as I can get."

I laughed and Mel joined in, slapping me hard on the back.

Okay, so I guess I misjudged Levon. I thought he would be an absolute wuss and would totally reject our idea of ruining the party and probably even kick us out. How often do you see someone who looks like a nerd actually support the idea of crashing a party?

"Are you still with us, Tyler?" Mel said, waving her hand in front of my face.

"What's going on?" I asked, smiling at my friend.

I looked at Levon and then back to Mel.

"I was just asking what your idea of 'rebellious' was." Levon answered.

"For me?" I said.

I thought about it for a little while.Rebellious? Wasn't I that already? Maybe taking up racing or doing something..slightly dangerous. But that was all too far-fetched. As if I would ever be able to actually do something like that.

"My idea of rebellious?" I said.

"Being me is rebelling enough already."

"Ooooooh. Badass." Mel said sarcastically.

I threw a glare in her direction and got back to finishing my ice cream. I ate it all in a few bites and then leaned back on the fence.

"So...what's next?" Levon said, looking pointedly at me.

I shrugged.

"Oh, I don't know. How about we all go and eat another tub of ice cream each." Mel said, hinting at both of us and wiggling her eyebrows, obviously giving up on being discreet.

"You're not being sarcastic, are you?" Levon asked, grinning from ear to ear.

I shook my head. "She doesn't sound much different when she's actually being serious, does she?" I chuckled.

I grabbed Mel and Levon by the arm and pulled them towards the store.

"No, no, you guys go. I want to get some fresh air." Mel said, wrenching out of my grasp.

I gave her a, 'Don't leave me alone with you know who' look. She simply smiled. I looked up at Levon and he was giving Mel a weird look.

"Oh, you know..can't get enough of this fresh air!" she said dramatically.

Levon remained suspicious but he decided to drop it.

"What flavour?" he asked.

" choc chip. Thanks!" Mel said, grinning mischieviously.

What is that girl up to?

I walked into the store with Levon and we headed straight for the fridge.

"Oh my god, how can they not have honeycomb crumble?" Levon exclaimed, whining like a girl.

"Oh shut up, you big fat drama queen. It's right here." I said, pointing at a tub of ice cream through the glass.

"Oh." Levon said, blushing in embarrassment.

I opened the fridge door and pulled out a cookies and cream tub. I looked back at Levon and he was carrying two tubs of ice cream -- honeycomb and mint choc chip.

"Let's go!" I shouted, heading full blast to the cashier.

I crashed my tub down on the table and Levon did the same, full seriousness on his face.

The sleepy cashier scanned the items at a snail's pace and then said, "That's $12.60, please."

Levon handed him the money and we bolted out the door, holding the delicious ice cream in our hands. We ran to Mel happily and she sprang forward to meet us.

"I SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM!" she shouted excitedly.

I looked at her weirdly and then I passed her the tub she wanted.

"Eternal glory for the person who finishes their tub first!" I exclaimed.

We quickly opened our tubs and I realised that we don't have any spoons. I looked up to see Mel spooning the ice cream with her hands. I shrugged. Well..okay.

I quickly shoved as much ice cream as I could in my mouth and swallowed it down. Soon after, I heard a cry of victory from Levon.

"I FINISHED!" I looked up at him and am forced to laugh.

There were caramel-coloured stains all over his shirt and a whole lot around his mouth.

"Dude, that's not eternal glory, that's eternal humilation." Mel said.

I nodded, and we both laughed wholeheartedly.

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