Chapter six: What?

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     Lexus didn't live far from where we were at the moment so I took the car we took along with us. I was really nervous me and Lexus had a past.. A very interesting, drama filled past but I'm sure she just wants to hang out as friends. I knocked at a reasonable volume and she opened the door. My eyes widened when I seen what she was wearing.. Ronnie was right.

Ronnie, Jacky and I decided to just have a movie day and Derek just slept all day. As one of my favorite movies, 'Zoolander' went off I got up to get myself a monster because I felt myself getting tired. I wanted to watch more movies so I needed to stay up. We were thinking about hanging out with other bands who are on this tour with us but I was upset because of max so the guys stayed with me. I was walking back to put on Jeepers creepers 2 then I heard someone banging on the door. I looked around at the guys worried. Why would there be someone banging on the door like that? I sat ran to the couch next to Ronnie and made him open it. Yes I know I am a chicken, sue me. Ronnie walked over to the door and I wasn't expecting to see who it was. A furious Max walked onto the bus. I thought he would've been gone longer but I guess I was wrong. Jacky and I glanced at each other and I went over and snuggled into him. I wasn't in the mood for Max's shit, not tonight.
Max went straight to his bunk and didn't talk to anyone. I really wonder what happened between him and that girl.

When she opened the door she was wearing black see through lingerie. I couldn't believe my eyes. She was with Nick and Nick was my friend, I don't like her in that way. I should have listened to Ronnie.. Now my chances with Destiny are ruined, I'm such an idiot. I didn't sleep with her though. I confronted her, I told her that she was wrong for trying to cheat on Nick just because they were in a fight. I was furious with her and myself. So I decided to go back to the bus. To leave her. Once I reached the bus I noticed it was lock I was already in a bad mood so o banged on the door as hard as I could not caring what they thought. Ronnie opened the door and I stormed off into my bunk I needed some time to think.

The night had come and me and jacket were still cuddling on the couch.. I've never realized it before but jacky is great. I love being with him, he makes me feel better, he makes me feel happy. Everyone else had went to bed and we were sitting here watching the Nightmare Before Christmas when I started to dose off. Jacky bumped me awake with his elbow. "I think it's time we get to bed" I just nestled my head into his chest and pretended I didn't hear him, I really didn't wanna get up he was really comfortable.. But then he got up. I groaned as I was now uncomfortable. I stood up and wasn't looking where I was going I ran straight into Jacky. I looked up at him, he looked down at me and we both awkwardly laughed. Then he started to lean in and I panicked, I didn't know what to do. Was I supposed to kiss him? But I liked Max.. Well now who cares he blew me off for some other girl he probably slept with. I leaned in also and soon his lips were on mine. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. Jacky leaned in again but went to my ear. "Goodnight love" I felt his warm breath on my neck and shivered as I heard his accent. He walked away into the bunk area leaving me standing there utterly confused and someone amazed. Oh no Destiny what have you done??

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