Chapter Seven: A new beginning

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Putting an end to another awesome set on this tour I walked to the front of the stage and threw some of my drumsticks into the crowd. Fans screamed as they tried to catch them, seeing them has always been something that had brightened my mood. Walking off the stage with a big smile spread across my face Jacky came over and kissed my cheek. I glanced over and seen Max glaring at us, honestly it was his fault he drove me to it. He wanted to find someone else and so have I. Even though every time I look into his eyes my heart feels like it has been kicked to the ground waiting for the last straw. But when I'm around Jacky my heart seems to feel better but it was on temporary. A temporary feeling I longed at least a little more for. Walking with the security to make it by the stage we hurried to the bus, the walk was quiet except for the occasional British whisper that somehow always found a way to my ear. I let go of Jacky's hand and made my way straight to my bunk as I entered the bus I changed into a different outfit, (outfit on the side) and went back into the lounge the guys still looked the same but we walked to our tent for a signing. Ronnie and Max walked in front of Jacky, Derek and I and fooled around..seeing them together happy was great I couldn't be more happy for them. Soon we reached the tent it was still very bright outside so I pulled my black sunglasses down and smiled to all of the screaming fan, today was going to be quite busy because we also have a interview with Bryan Stars.  I looked to the right of me and smiled at Jacky and then looked to my right to Ronnie he put his arm around me and gave me a side hug. Since I was now under the shaded tent I took off my glasses and put my hands on my lap waiting for the next fan to come.. All of the sudden I feel a hand to the right of me on my lap. I looked over to Jacky and he was looking over to Derek acting like nothing was happening. I decided to ignore it and then a small girl came up to me and gave me her CD to sign I smiled sweetly at the girl and asked for her name, she was so shy she was almost inaudible when she said her name. All of the sudden Jackys hand started going up my skirt I looked over to him with wide eyes and he just looked to the fans.. What has gotten into him, we are at a meet in greet in public with screaming fans all around us. I wasn't sure if I wanted Jacky in that way.. Yeah he was sweet and everything but I'm not sure if I wanted to go too far with him.
       I had gotten jacky off of me with just moving his hand and whispered him to stop. Max noticed me whispering to him so I kissed him.. I kissed jacket just for max to get upset I didn't realize what was to come after that. The meet and greet came to an end, I met many wonderful people and I couldn't be happier. As we were walking to the bus Max got out his phone and walked away. He wasn't too far away so I heard him ever so slightly. I heard a couple words that sounded like he was inviting someone over..
      I woke up to the sound of giggles coming from the lounge I just ignored it and turned over hoping to get back to sleep. I was about 4sec away from falling back asleep since it was only about 4am I was getting quite pissed. I opened my eyes and yelled "can you shut the fuck up!" I really wasn't in the mood for some bitch giggling this early in the morning.. I slowly opened my bunk curtain and went to the door at the back. Ronnie's room. He was there wide awake writing. "He needs to shut that bitch up I shouldn't have let him bring her here" confusing immediately flooded my mind as Ronnie said that, that's when I knew. I knew it was her. Another giggle came from the lounge and I couldn't take it any longer I walked straight out of Ronnie's room and into the lounge. There she sat right on his lap. I felt like I've been shot through the heart when I seen them. Her with her perfect black hair and he petit body.. I soon felt disgusted with myself. "You know people are trying to sleep go take your nasty ass love fest somewhere else" I said getting really upset. Max just looked to Lexus and said "come on baby lets go to bed" what? Baby? What about that guy she was dating from get scared? I thought he was mad at her for trying to use him.. Welp I guess not.

It has been a few days and she was still here but I've gotten really close with Jacky. I couldn't just let them strut around like they were the best couple in the world so I had to show them up. Right now me and Jacky were getting ready for today's set.. We coordinated outfits!! We were both wearing our Poison shits with a lime green bandana and ripped black skinnies. I was in the bathroom straitening my hair when I seen Jacky come up and wrap his arms around me. We looked very cute if I say so myself. I finished straightening my long brown hair and but my bandana on. I took some black make up and drew a line from the corner of my eye to my hair line and was ready. I went out to the lounge and seen everyone standing there. Our manager came onto the bus and gave us a thumbs up I grabbed my bright neon green drumsticks and headed out of the door. For today's set I'm doing something a little different so when it was my time to go on stage (I'm always first) I ran to the mic. A lot of people know me as the drummer but today I'm gonna sing one of The bands songs to change it up a bit. The rest of the band ran out onstage and Ronnie joined me at the mic. We were going to sing together. Today's set went pretty well and all is well. Lexus is still with us and I really wish she wasn't here. All of us were on our way to the bus from a very long day when I got pulled off by someone. I looked to who it was and it was Lexus.. "You need to say away from my man" she said with her annoying voice, "last time I checked you hurt that man and his best friend you should not be in his life again for what you did." Just then he hand collided with my cheek. My hand met my face and I knew this is where shit was about to go down.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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