Chapter 10

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thanks cydel64 for reading... you will be part of the cast now... :)

Reyn cried in pain as she bent forward to support herself. She never anticipated that attack since she was engrossed fighting her current opponent. She could hardly fight back, defending herself by ice blocks would suffice adding injury to herself and it also served as a shield.

"Hang on!" Shay skilfully moved towards her.

We knew that she could no longer endure the pain with the arrow still punched in her leg. We need to secure her before she could heal herself. With a strong blow, I wiped away three nymphs.

"Glenieze! Cover my back" I told my spirit. She was busy with the other nymphs but obeyed me with no complaints. She could see the scene clearly and with a magical whip at her hand, she slashed the nymphs hard enough that they cried in agony. She gave them a sweet smile.

She's really sadistic.

I shifted my position towards Reyn. Now, we could fight the nymphs while covering her as she healed herself.

"I'm okay guys, I have to get this arrow and I'll be okay in no time." She was still smiling even in her dreadful situation. She pulled the arrow out of her leg quickly, blood flushed out from it and she bandaged it promptly. She made a soft sighed.

I pitied her. She was so fragile to be hurt and I sensed the urge to protect her. She was now somewhat my sister, I was in rage. I eyed the nymphs and my eyes flared. My aura became visible and glowed brightly but I never noticed. Purple mist surrounds my whole body.

Shay looked at me in awe. "Krish, you're glowing!" Her eyes were tinkling like a child.

I didn't mind her and gave the nymphs my mastered three-blade style attacks. They couldn't wile it because they didn't see it coming. I moved briskly. They started to back off. Unexpectedly, arrows rained aiming the nymphs. They all fell down in front of me, hissing. They growled in pain because the arrows were punched directly at their chest. They were helpless, their faces softened. They were at our mercy.

"Where did it come from?" We noticed that it was the same kind of arrow that hit Reyn's leg. We had company.

Glenieze look around to probe who was the attacker. A young girl with a quiver at her back appeared. She looked innocent and sweet but also deadly, the arrows she planted on the nymphs were fatal. If she had no quiver in her back we could say that she was just a lost soul wandering the woods.

"Who are you?" Shay eyed her suspiciously.
"My name is Cyde. I'm a scout from Team Seven, we were just behind you. I scouted ahead and find you guys. We know that something odd was happening so Marve sent me." She sounded like a child as well as her countenance.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you." She glanced at Reyn. "I saw the red needle towards you and I can't stop it by an arrow because it will go straight to the purple girl so instead I aim your leg for you to duck the assault.

The child was clever. The damage of the needle was severe than that of an arrow, since the former was poisoned. The fact that poisoned needles by the nymphs could not be sure by any human, spirit or anyone else except for their first maiden.

"The situation is in control now. I like to go back to my own world and relax if you may please. This is my first fight with you and I'm glad you didn't falter." Glenieze was messed up. Her hair was tangled. I never thought spirit could also feel exhausted as I am but I saw the glow in her eyes faded. Then she was trying to communicate in my mind.

I have this weird feeling about the girl, better not trust her.

She warned me before I let her go.

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