Chapter 8

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(Harry's pov)


I woke up really early today...7 in the morning am im not tired. Wait we're am i? Oh yea at Liam's and the twin's apartment we had a sleep over. Hehe im still smiling about yesterday's pillow fight Louis started it by hitting Emily then she tried hitting him but instead hit me the look on her face priceless! I should of took a picture to last longer. Well everyone is still sleeping so i might a swell make breakfast.

"Aww everyone so cute when they are sleeping" i said quietly to myself. We were all sleeping on the floor in our sleeping bags.

"Shut up mr.carrot im talking to Kevin" Louis said in his sleep and slapping my stomach. I chuckled to my self. I slowly got up and went to the kitchen.

"Wat to make wat make" i said to myself. There was only cereal. And everything you need to make tea.

I quickly made some iced tea because its really hot outside, its June and its hot.

"What are you doing up so early?" Some one asked. I looked up and it was Emily. Wow she looked so pretty in the morning..

"Well i woke up and i couldn't go back to sleep so i made iced wants some?" I asked her

"Sure!" She said happily.

"Here" i said pouring her a cup of iced tea and handing it to her. She took a sipped and smiled so i can see her tiny dimples. That made me smile.

"You like it?" I asked her.

"No i don't" she said smiling. That got me confused.

"Why don't you like" It i asked taking another sip to see what's the problem.

"I don't like it because i love it!" She said smiling like an idiot. Not that she is an idiot. I smiled at her because she always outsmarts someone else thats one thing i like about her.

"So what's planned for today" Emily asked breaking the silence.

"Well we have sound check today for today's concert then a after party so you have to dress nice" i told her.

"That sounds nice i get to hear you sing for real! And heey..are you telling me i have to dress nice?" She asked.i chuckled.

"Yea you do" i said answering her question.

"So i haven't dressed nice before?" She asked smiling.

"No, wait yes you have but you- um- this time-you need to wear something fancy" i said struggling with my words. She outsmarted me again.

"Well thank you for making it clear" she said chuckling a bit. I sat there speechless.

"Aww don't be like that im just messing with you" she said making some more iced tea.

"Need help making tea?" I asked smirking because i can tell she is struggling.

"Yes" she said with hopeful eyes. I chuckled and went to go help her out.

(Emily's pov)

When i woke up it was 10 until 8 i groaned and got up knowing i couldnt go to aleep anymore. then i heard a noise coming from the sound like a kettle. i walked over and standed in the door way to the kitchen and there was Harry. on my gosh dont act dumb dont act dumb.Every time i talk to Harry i get butterflies in my stomach and i guess i blush a little but i hide it. I think i like Harry. Every time i talk to him he looks like he enjoys talking to me. Im going to do it im going to go talk to him get to know him better because i don't know if i do really like him because sometimes i have mixed emotions and i fool myself sometimes so yea.

" what are you doing up so early?" I asked him.

-whole conversation-

"Need help making tea?" He asked me

"Yes" i said with hopeful eyes. He chuckled and came closer.

"Want me to show you how to make iced tea?" He added

"Yes i really don't drink tea" i said looking away.

"Why not?" He asked

"Well i was stuck in my house all my life until now and our parents wouldn't let us go anywhere and they only bought what they liked and Stuff" i said zoning out for a moment.

"Oh yea sorry i had o make you explain that" he said apologizing. Aww he apologized.

"It's okay i really don't mind" i said blushing. He smiled. I think he likes it when I blush.

"What are you guys doing up so early?" Louis said walking into the kitchen moments later.

"Harry is showing me how to make tea!" I said happily.

"Oh really hot or cold?" Louis asked

"Cold its like 100 degrees outside" Harry said. Louis nodded.

"Want to wake up the others?" Louis said smirking.

"Sure ill go shake them awake" i said walking towards the rest but Louis stopped me.

"Why'd you stop me?" I asked Louis. Louis is still smirking.

"Are you a good actor?" Louis said

"Oh my gosh my dream ks to become an actor! I've been practicing since i was little since i had nothing to do!" I said explaining really fast.

"Have you ever acted being dead?" Louis said still smirking

"Yea one time Nallely really thought i died!" I said remembering.

"Then we got this covered" Louis said smirking.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked

"Its prank time..Okay so this is the plan" Louis said explaining. Hehe i like this plan this is going to be so cool! We all walked back to the living room and i went back to my sleeping bag and so did Harry which was next to me wierd but okay. Louis was waiting until we were fake sleeping. Then the plan started.

"OH MY GOD!!" Louis yelled it woke everyone up but Harry and i fake died -wink-.

"What's wrong Louis?" Liam asked

"Emily and Harry aren't breathing!" Louis said crying his eyes out -faking-

"Let me check!" Liam said all worried! He got in between me and Harry. Then he lifted up both our hands to check for a pulse.

"They seem to be fine i do-"Liam said getting cut of by Harry and i

"AHHHHHHHH" me and Harry said screaming and getting up and it scared everyone and now they re all shocked. And then there is Louis laughing his head off along with Harry and I.

"Why'd..why..huh..wahh.. Why did you do that?" Liam asked out of breath. Aww we scared his breath away too. Everyone just stared at us for an answer.

"It was Louis's idea!" I said running away and Harry following me. I went into my room and Harry did too.

"That was close!" Harry said

"And funny!" I said adding to Harry's sentence. He smiled and we hi-fived eachother.

"But that was a little harsh blaming it on Louis." Harry said.

"Well it was his idea" i said putting my hands up. Harry chuckled and i blushed. Oh no not again! I tried to cover my cheeks.

"Lets go back and apoligize to Louis" i said breaking the silence.

"Okay" Harry said smiling. I smiled back and we both went back to the living room to find everyone having a pillow fight and Liam trying to get everyone's attention.

"Hey guys?!" I yelled trying to help Liam get everyone's attention. Didnt work. Ohh i know ill whistle!

"-whistle-" okay that got everyone's attention.

"Liam is trying to say something!" I told everyone. I looked at Liam and he thanked me.

"We have to get ready for today we have to go to sound check remember?" He said.

"Yes we remember" the lads said

"Now girls go get dressed" Liam said ordering Nallely and i.

"Yes dad" i said sarcastically. He chuckled.

"Well good morning!" I told Nallely

"Bad morning to you too!" Nallely said

"Why bad?" I asked her

"You scared me!" She said like if i was new to the world.

"Im sorry okay it was Louis's idea!" I said putting my hands up

"Naa im just playing with you what should we wear?" Nallely asked

"We should wear a fancy dress Harry said to wear something fancy because there is going to be an after party!" I told her

"Okay we can wear that strapless red dress that goes up to our knees!" Nallely said

"Oo with our white flats and white jewelry!" I said excitedly

"And our white purse! With red lipstick and mascara! No makeup!" Nallely said

"Yea because the boys don't like us wearing make up" i said

"You heard their songs too?" Nallely said.

"Pff yea its the only songs in my phone" i said. Nallely nodded.

"Lets go get dressed!" I added

(Zayns pov)

"This morning was so crazy wasnt it?" I asked Harry when we went back to our apartment. We were the only ones in the kitchen Niall already got his food and went to the living room to watch some television.

"Yeaa it was Louis's fault anyways" Harry said

"Yeaa i understand" i told him

"so what do you think of Emily?" I asked him to break the silence

"Wh-what about her?" Harry said nervous.

"Don't act dumb i know you like her i could tell by you sitting with her taking her to her room the other night and by the way you look at her" i said smirking knowing i got it.

"Okay yes you got me, I like her and im thinking she likes me too because she doesn't mind my presence with her and i feel comfortable talking to her" i said thinking of Emily

"Do you think its to early i met her a few days ago" Harry asked me.

"No no it's okay love is never to early or to late" i said giving him my words of wisdom.

"Thank you Zayn" Harry said smiling.

"Do you think it would be okay if i ask her out tonight in the after party?"Harry asked.

"Only if you feel ready" i told him smiling. He nodded.

"Now enough about me how about you?" Harry asked me.

"What do you mean" i asked

"Give it up, your just like me! You like Nallely i could tell by the first time you met her" Harry said smirking.

"I know I do but i havnt done anything to prove it and i don't think she likes me back" i said frowning.

"aww it's okay all you have to do is try to be her friend and try to make her feel comfortable and you can figure out the rest and then if she feels the same way she is yours" Harry said. Wow he really does know alot about dating.

"How do you know all this?" I asked

"Experience with Caroline" harry said in a wisper.

"What about Taylor?" I asked him

" I never loved her she made it all up! I had to go along with it because then she will look bad and im not a bad person but i forgot tired of her and i broke up with her and not to be mean i don't want her around me anymore" Harry said frowning.oookay note to self never mention anything about Caroline or Taylor to Harry.

"Lets go back to the other apartment to meet the girls" I said breaking the silence. Harry nodded and we were on our way. We already changed and we were ready to go and its 12 in the afternoon wow the morning went by fast.

"Louis and Niall lets go with Liam and the girls so we can leave" Harry said

"Coming!" They both said getting out of their rooms.

"Ready!" They said. We went across to the other apartment and Liam opened the door.

"Hello lads come in" Liam welcomed us. We all got in and sat on the couches.

"What time do we leave?" Niall asked

"At 1" Louis said looking at his phone

"What time is it now?" Niall asked

"12:45" Liam said looking at his phone

"Im hungry" Niall said.

"Niall you just ate!" Harry said

"Not a full meal!" Niall said

"You ate 5 6- pack Oreo cookies!" I said

"So" Niall pouted.

"Never mind" i said

"Were are the girls?" Harry asked

"Getting ready" Liam said not looking up from his phone

"Oh no! Louis you gave Liam the phone obsession!" Niall said surprised.Louis and Liam chuckled.

"No I'm just texting Danielle" Liam said

"Who is Danielle?" 2 girls asked. I turned around and there standed Emily and Nallely the most beautiful girls i have ever seen especially Nallely. Wow they are both beautiful but Nallely has that one thing. I looked over to Harry and he has his mouth shaped like a circle 'O'

"You girls look so beautiful!" Liam said

"Thanks but its nothing really" Emily said

"Oh it's something really" i heard Harry whisper he was sitting next to me i guess i wasn't meant to hear it but i heard it. I chuckled.

"Why are you people so pretty and im trashy?" Niall said pouting.

"Aww Niall your not trashy so never call your self negative things to your self" Nallely said. Wow she is amazayn!

"Shall we go?" Harry said smirking

"We shall!" Nallely said smirking

"And we will!" Emily said smirking

"Then lets go!" Louis said getting up impersonating Dora. We all chuckled and went to the lobby.

"Hey guys does Paul know we have to go to sound check?" Niall asked

"Oh my gosh we totally forgot about Paul he needs to meet the twins!" Liam said

"Can you please answer my question" Niall said

"Yea i think he knows lets go to the limo to see if he is there" Liam said going outside to the hotels private parking and the rest of us following him.

"Hey Paul are you here?" Liam said

"Yea im here. Ready to go?" Paul asked us

"Yes but we want to introduce you to my twin cousins that are staying with us" Liam said

"Hi" the girls said

"Hello im Paul may i ask why you are staying with one direction?" Paul asked

-explains story-

"And thats why we are now living with one direction" Nallely finished off

"You are so strong to go through all that" Paul said amazed

"Thanks" the twins said

"Lets go then or we will be late" Paul said getting in the limo

"Lets go!" Everyone said getting on including me.

(Emily's pov)

Paul is so nice he is a good listener and i think he is one of the best guards one direction can have. I got a feeling today is going to be one of the best days of my life because im going to listen to the lads for the first time in person go to one of their concerts and go to an after party my very first party! Nothing could go wrong or can it?


HELLO! I had some time today so i updated!

Drama is going to come up soon so be patient! I have everything planned out 😀 and i think you guys are going to like it

Please vote and comment! It'll make me happy to know you guys like this story. ☺

Love you guys! More than 400 reads thats awesome!

-Emily ❤

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