Eleven: Cry

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"Those flames are really hot!" Ichigo said standing beside Lily making sure she stays safe. "Even from this distance but this feeling... What the hell is he...?"

"I guess we're about to find out!" Shuhei readying his sword as flame headed towards them.

Lily gasped and was grabbed bridal style and jumped away. Shuhei followed soon after but Lily gasped when the man, Gagin, attacked Gen.

"Gen, watch out!" shouted the young girl.

Gen vanished, tossing himself backwards aiming a kick at Gagin's face but he blocked it. Ichigo landed a ways away and Lily knocked back an arrow and aimed it at Gagin. She relaxed trying to focus on him while Gen tried to get away; she shot the arrow at him hitting Gagin's hand. Making him release Gen and he jumped away, Lily let a sigh of relief.

"Shit... My leg was almost blown off." 'If it hadn't been for Iris' Gen said growling.

Gagin looked at his sizzling hand seeing his just barely healing. He then glanced at the young girl who kept her guard up.

"I'm healing fast... him too..." Gagin got lost in thoughts, but didn't realize Blossom and Yoshimori planned something.

"KETSU!" Blossom and Yoshimori called out surrounding him in a blue and red dome. Gagin looked at them. "Alright!"

"METSU!" They both added but the domes did nothing on him.

"How- how did he-?!" Blossom gasped shocked.

Ichigo and Shuhei both charged at him full blast and Lily gasped, calling them back. They jumped into the air and attacked him simultaneously, Lily gasped when he grabbed them and tossed Ichigo into Shuhei as they flew back into the school, currently knocked out from the blow.

"Shuhei! Ichigo!" Lily shouted worriedly. Gagin saw her defenseless and smirked, quickly heading her way. Gen saw this and quickly ran after him before he could reach her.

"LILY, WATCH OUT!" Blossom cried.

Lily had no time to react when this happened, but she suddenly was lifted from the ground and into someone's arms as they quickly went off and slid on the ground. Lily opened her eyes seeing Gen holding her.

"Gen!" Lily breathed out.

Gen had no time to put her down as he tried dodging the Ayakashi's attacks. Lily kept her tight hold on Gen's neck and gasped. He was fast! Gagin hit Gen away and he landed on his back taking the full blow. Lily looked down seeing Gen sitting up in his knees.

"Iris, head somewhere else and don't come near here."

"Ah..." Lily said nodding. "Right."

She quickly ran off to get far away from the battle, but the flames stopped her and she flew back and slid towards Gen. Gen tried pushing away the giant fireball he shot at them and Lily looked grabbing an arrow knocking it back. She leaned on one knee aiming quickly and shot it. Trying to hit Gagin, but it missed and Lily gasped flying back once more landing on her back.

"Lily! Gen!" Yoshimori called out running towards them.

"Moron! Stay back!" shouted Gen getting up. Lily gasped when she felt blood on her face, and not her blood.

Gen's blood!

"But... You're..." Yoshimori stopped sadly.

"Don't worry about me," Gen said regenerating his arms and flexed them. Lily got up quickly and looked to the sky. "We need to defeat this enemy!"

"Stupid bastard! I don't care about the enemy or how fast you can heal!" Yoshimori shouted at him.

"Yoshi..." Lily started then gaped when Gagin charged up.

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