One: The Healer, Lily-Iris

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A young girl coughed heavily in the middle of the day, and she put her hand over her mouth while her father patted her back gently, when she stopped she looked at her hand and saw a little blood. The young girl sighed quietly.

“Do you need some water honey?” The young girl nodded and took the towel her father had got her and she wiped her face and her hand and she put her hand to stomach and a light blue light appeared around her stomach and she sighed a little. “Here you go, sweetie,”

“Thank you dad,” the young girl said and took the water drinking it slowly and smiled. “Ah, that hit the spot, hey dad, can I go outside and get some fresh air?”

Her dad nodded and helped her stand up, she stumbled a little bit and she lightly smiled, saying that she was okay, the young girl continued walking outside and sat on the bench and felt the wind in her hair.

“Lily-Iris, you shouldn’t be out here!” The young girl heard her name and turned her head seeing a boy jogging towards her and stopped, she was smiling.

“But Yoshimori, I’m feeling fine now.” Lily-Iris told him, she got up and stretched. “See, I’m not coughing, I just had the sniffles, and I should be fine going to school tomorrow.”

“You know if you’re sick-” Yoshimori started.

Lily rolled her eyes, “I can stay home, I know. Have a little faith in me would you.” Lily grinned and hugged him. Yoshimori hugged her back, she let go of him and stood back, “How was school?”

“Boring, as usual.” Yoshimori sighed and sat down; Lily grabbed her coat closer to her body and sat down too.

“You slept again didn’t you?” asked Lily looking at him, he nodded and she laughed a little bit. “Typical Yoshi, he needs to learn to stay up in class so he can learn.”

“Hey, I told you to stop calling me that!”

“You know you like it, Yoshi.” Lily grinned again and laughed a little bit, then coughed. Yoshimori patted her back gently and she smiled again. “Come on, I think dad is making a good meal tonight, like he always does.”

~ ღ ~

Lily sat down beside Yoshimori and ate some Miso soup, she had to take it easy tonight and see how she feels tomorrow, and Lily tuned out most of the conversation happening at the table, she had her brown eyes closed and enjoying the dinner her father made.

“So, Lily, have you been sleeping well?” asked Toshimori, Lily nodded his way with a smile gracing her face.

“I have been, thank you for asking Toshi.” Lily said and lightly patted his head, he smiled at her and Lily continued eating, when she was done, she went back outside and stared at the stars by her room, she grabbed some meat and said; “Hey, Madarao, want some meat with a soul in it, since Yoshi can’t find any?”

A spirit came out of the dog house and floated towards her and touched the deck and he smiled.

“Thank you so much, Lily, at least someone remembered what to get me~” Madarao said and started eating his deer meat. “How are you doing today?”

“I’m doing better, thank you for caring, Madarao.” Lily said and patted his head gently. He nudged towards it closer and closed his eyes and fell asleep after finishing his meal. Lily smiled and continued gently petting his head.

Madarao and Lily had a very good relationship, whenever Yoshimori didn’t bring, or forgot, the Spirit Dog anything; Lily did to make it up. It didn’t bother her, not one bit. Lily continued to pat Madarao’s head gently and smiled.

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