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Alright guys, this is my first attempt at a werewolf story...... looking for advice or hints to where you want the story to go. i have like 14 chapters written but will only post a couple at a time and make changes as necessary. i know your not going to get into right away but please stick with it. its heading somewhere good at least in my head is lol.

Happy reading and there are some amazing authors on here that i will have posted on my profile page. 



Ayden’s POV

There was chaos every where. Every where I turned all I saw was fighting, blood and death. We are at war, I kept reminding myself. We are doing this to protect her.

I looked over and saw my mom fighting a male wolf, which she easily took down. Me and her kept moving from one battle to another, slowly making our way to my father. We came up on three of our enemies.

My mother took a protective stance in front of me. Two attacked her one came for me. I wasn’t all that experienced in fighting but I did well enough to go to war, I was finally able to take my opponent out. I turned to help my mother. She was in bad she shape but she played defence well. 

After I took down the remaining two, my mom couldn’t go any further. So I stayed by her side praying my farther would come find us. A big brown wolf appeared. He was one of the largest wolves I had ever seen. He went and attacked me but my mother interfered she jumped between me and him. 

He was already prepared and managed to twist him self mid flight and grab her by the throat. The kill shot.

He tossed her down like she weighed nothing. My father appeared then. Me and him circling the big brown wolf. He was good and almost won until he made a mistake. He left me open for the kill shot which I gladly took.  And tossed him aside.

I ran to my mother. She was dying she wasn’t going to survive what that last wolf did. 

“Protect her my son. Never let her go. Remember I love you both.” she said to me. 

She then turned to my farther and said “I love you hunny. Please remember you will be with me someday and live your life. Carry on and protect and guide our son. I want both of you to not blame anyone for my passing. We all knew we could die in war.”

Both me and my father begged her not to leave us. But there wasn’t anything we could do. With her last breath she told us she loved us once again. I remember seeing the life fade from her eyes as we held her bleeding, lifeless body. It wasn't fair. We never asked for this.

That was the day I died inside.

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