Chapter 3 - New Start

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Chapter 3 - New start

Ayden’s POV

Aydens POV

The first day seems to be going horribly wrong. So far I had Scarlett in all my classes. She was a reminder of my previous life when things made sense. Ever since my mom died and left my father broken hearted, we have been enemies. 

I blamed her for what happened. She is what every rogue dreams of. The daughter of 2 of the most strongest wolves in America. Rogues want her for her breeding. If they were to get their disgusting paws on her and get her pregnant, her children would be stronger than the normal wolf. Also by forced mating of a alpha and her, their pack would be stronger once that alpha mated her because of her lineage also. 

That is exactly how we ended up at war. Rogues wanted her and of course we were all family. So that is how we ended up in a fight. The rogues had brought a lot of wolves and were even teamed up with hunters. I also, highly doubted they were rogues. There is never that many rogues traveling together, but if they were, they were the largest group anyone has ever seen.

As time, went on after that war, I came to realize that it wasn’t her fault being born the way she was, and that I was taking my anger out on her cause she simply was the reason why they wanted her and that was not her fault. 

I would have died protecting her, still would. But I could never bring myself to apologize and end this feud. And here she is, in every single one of my classes. I felt bad for her in our training class, she always seems to get her butt kicked, but at least she takes it in good stride.

The first week past and there were more people being suspended because of all the fighting than I had ever seen in all my of years of school. If things don’t calm down soon they will have no one else to suspend.

The following Monday, I sighed and sat back watching the fight with some girl, who only wanted an increase in social status, between two members of my pack and 2 members of the Fianna. I nearly fell on my ass laughing as I saw Scarlett’s face when she walked in school and saw what was going on.

She came strolling up to the fight, managed to get both of my guys off of hers and punched them both. I was confused as to what I should be doing. I was pissed that she had punched both of my guys, but the confusion on their faces as they watched this 5 foot 5 little woman throw a punch, was hilarious as hell. And from the look on their faces they didn’t expect it to be so hard either. They went flying 5 feet back into the lockers.

Then, what really had me wanting to laugh was she turned around and did the same exact thing to her boys, who looked like they were going to cheer in excitement as both of my guys got their asses owned by a girl.

“If looks could kill I would be a dead man” I thought as she gave me the most evil glare but she turned around to her guys and said, “Everyone stop your fucking fighting now. I have had it. I don’t care who started it and why. Go tell the rest of the pack no provoking others to start fights either to try to get around my self defense order now. And You” she said turning and strolling right up to me. 

She would have been in my face if she weren‘t so short but continuing on she said, “How dare you let this fight continue. It was no doubt childish and you are the alpha. So start acting like the alpha you are supposed to be and lay down the law like I did. Me and you may be in this situation but so are the rest of our people and we all used to be friends. I don’t care if you hate me or if you care about the fact that I hate you, don’t drag our packs through this senseless shit. Next time I see you letting this happen their will be a fight between us and I don’t back down.”

I didn’t get the chance to say anything back. She turned around and walked right out of the school. I was pissed and astonished. She never once talked like that, let alone to me. I was pissed because I was an alpha and she should not talk to me that way, let alone in front of people. I was even more astonished because even in all our fights she never once spoke to me like that, even when we were friends and were more forgiving to each other. 

I could feel myself about to change. I was shaking so I decided to go for run.

I let my wolf go as soon as I hit the forests edge. I was a huge and intimidating wolf. My fur was black with red patterns all over. I had never seen another wolf with my coloring. 

“I wonder what color wolf Scarlett is?”  I asked myself silently. I smelled Scarlett’s trail as I realized that she most likely went for run when she walked out of school earlier. For some reason my wolf wanted to be near her so I followed her trail.

When I came into the clearing that she was in. I hid behind a tree making sure to be quiet. I didn’t want to get into a fight with her but the urge to see her wolf was strong. I peered around the tree as she continued to prance and chase little butterflies mindlessly. 

I almost had a heart attack when I saw her wolf. She was black as well with red patterns. Granted the patterns were different but this was too much a coincidence. There is something here I am not getting. The look on her face told me she was just out here to cool off cause even as she chased butterflies, the look in her eyes told me she was in another world.

Being as confused as I was, I decided I needed to leave to figure things out.

As I got back to school Brittney approached me, she was my friend with benefits you could say. She was attractive with her brown hair and eyes but she was just that a fling. She wasn’t my mate.

“So can we ditch school and start this new school year off right?” she said purring as she leaned into me stroking a hand down my chest. 

“Not today…..There is too many things going on right now that I need to pay attention to besides your needs.” I said but with each passing word I grew to be more disgusted by this and was finding myself turned off by her.

Get away from her and go find our mate….my wolf said.

Huh? What mate? We havent  found a mate yet.  My wolf must be stupid.

I’m not stupid you dumbass, the black and red wolf, our mate, find her now and get rid of this slut! 

Scarlett is not our mate now leave me alone! Scarlett could not be our mate. They say sometimes our wolves recognize our mates before we do incase we don’t get the chance to touch but still. She couldn’t be I would have notice before now right?

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