Chapter 10 - Getting Help

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Chapter 10 - Getting help

Chapter 10 - Getting help

Ayden’s POV

It has been two weeks and she hasn’t been in school. I’m worried about her. On top of feeling like a huge dick. That day in the forest, my wolf had control. He was beyond pissed at her threat in the lunchroom. But I let it go too far. I hurt her so bad. 

Grayson’s pack and Scarlett’s pack hates me. Hell even my own pack hates me. We all knew if Scarlett and Grayson went to the council, Scarlett could take my pack from me and their wouldn't be a thing I could do about it. The council doesn’t take threats of war lightly. Don’t get me wrong war happens and most of the time we sort it out ourselves, but in unnecessary cases of war like this, they frown upon that. They would give her my pack, even temporarily, just to punish me.

On the third week she came back, but she didn't seem to be there. I knew I had hurt her and now i was stuck seeing the results of my handiwork. I tried to talk to her, but Grayson and Shelby wouldn’t let me get within 10 feet of her.  

That first day, I saw the extent of the damage I did. She wasn’t there anymore. She had her headphones on, Shelby did her work for her and Grayson was continually there holding her. Which I was pissed at but at the same time i didn't have the right to be. I was the one who after all pushed her to this point. Again. 

She continually got her ass kicked in training. She didn’t even try. She was so transparrent in her moves, that even the newbs saw what her next move was about to be. It was hard to see and even harder to control my wolf. He wanted to beat every single person in that class room after the amount of times she had her ass handed to her. 

I saw the haunted look in her eyes, though she didn't even try to hide it. Her eyes were dead. No spark of life what so ever. Her eyes had always been her best feature. She was always an open book to me and still is now. But this was different. This was scary. I knew she only did the things necessary because she had people relying on her to lead.

By the months end, she was constantly sneaking into the concert hall to play. I don’t know if she knew if I was there or not but she never gave me any notice. During these times, she would play her heart out literally. Her pain was open for everyone to see. I wish she wouldn’t do this. I didn’t want to see this. I didn’t want to see her pain like this. It was already clear as day to me. I knew her better than anyone back then and I still do now. But this was my punishment. This was my punishment to my wolf as well for taking control that day in the forest that lead to this. 

He hated to see her like this just as much as I did. I didn't want to see it but this was our punishment and that i couldn't do anything with her. I couldn't be a mate to her, i couldn't talk to her, I couldn't even apologise because Shelby and Grayson were always there, preventing me from getting to her. I want to hold her so bad when I see her playing but once again Shelby and Grayson had been there staring me down. Daring me to make a move.

They would both love kill me for what I did to her. The only one that stood a chance against me would be Grayson and that would be only because he outnumbered me or snuck up behind me. I knew if i hurt either of them though that would only hurt my mate more and make her hate me even more. So there was nothing i could do to get to her and with how bad i did hurt her I would probably let them kill me if i suddenly developed a death wish.

Seeing her like this made me depressed. I basically rejected my mate. My wolf hated me and didn’t even talk to me now even though this was his fault too. That made me realize that I was in solitary confinement just as much as she was. She was killing me too. I needed to make this right and that is what I’m going to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2012 ⏰

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