Chapter 5 - Who knew

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Chapter 5 - Who knew

Ayden’s POV

It was the beginning of a new week. Scarlett had effectively brought most feuding to a damn near stop. It was a different school. Hope was being renewed through the student body. Even the humans could tell something changed. Earlier, they were really getting suspicious. They knew enough to know something was off about us, but obviously with out a big giant wolf standing in the hall, they couldn’t name it. But, nonetheless they stayed away from us, which is probably the best for them.

Today, I was looking forward to fighting class. This is where I could get all my anger and mixed feelings towards Scarlett out. I always pummeled who ever I was sparring with. Class started as usual with roll call.

The coach demonstrated a few moves but was put out with Scarlett, Shelby and Brendan who were all talking animatedly about something. 

“Miss Christianson would you care to come spar and do a demonstration with someone seeings how you already think you know how to fight and don’t need instruction.” the coach spat back at her.

Scarlett looked up and said, “Sure coach. Who wants to spar with me?”

I couldn’t believe this. The coach damn near chocked on himself, but what was more surprising was no one wanted to spar with her. It looked as though people were truly afraid to fight her. I couldn’t understand. She wasn’t that great of a fighter.

“I will spar with her coach” I said hoping to just get this over with her and the real class started.

“I will go easy on you little one” I said as I approached and the look on her face flinch as I said my old term of endearment for her. She had a look on her face that said you don’t know what you just got yourself into. I heard a few giggles as everyone looked as though things just got good.

Everyone knew we were enemies so I suspected it would have been a show no matter what. She took her stance about 5 feet away.

As we began, we circled each other as if trying to test the waters. She wasn’t going to be the one to make the first move, so I did.

I walked up to her no longer circling and swung. Only my fist didn’t connect with anything. Instead she neatly dodged the swing while manuevering herself into me, punching me in the ribs while simultaneously bringing her right foot behind my left leg and swept her foot back into herself causing me to end up on my ass.

“Still want to go easy” she said grinning. I immediately got back up.

“Please, you have lost everyday while we are in here. You aren’t really good at all.” I said enraged that I let an amatuer put me down.

“Okay get up then and put me down” she said tauntingly.

I swung again and she neatly dodge but I backed her up against the wall and had her in a choke hold.

I felt the shock then and my face slightly fell……..

Wtf…..she is my mate. Damn it, this is the last thing I need

Ha told you! Now stop hurting our mate! I want her! god my wolf is such a perve but back to the issue at hand.

Gaining my composure before anyone could see that something was wrong, so very wrong.  But her expression told me she felt it too. But of course, in class she had to wear her work out clothes being a pair of tight shorts and training top. Leaving arms, legs, neck and everything for the most part exposed. I saw her gain her composure as well at the same time, saying she felt the same way.

“Still want me to try” I asked her as she struggled against my grip on her neck. Then she got this look in her eyes that said I just fell for it.

She brought her hands up to grab mine, then forced her elbow swiftly onto mine to move mine down then swung that same elbow up and around to elbow me in the face. She moved so fast that I did not and could not anticipate that one.

She continued to punch my stomach and I leaned over from that blow, she kneed me right in the face causing me to stand back up straight. She put her hands onto my chest and once again sweep her leg behind mine and dropped me.

I was laying on the floor and she purposefully kneeled down to whisper in my ear and said, “Did you ever think that I was letting myself get beat in order to fool you that I was no good at fighting so that when this day came I would be able to kick your ass as payback for all that you put me through?”

Even though she whispered, everyone could hear. We all had supernatural hearing.  But she did that so everyone would listen to what she would say. She was damn smart, and I underestimated her. 

I was once again being conflicted. My wolf was pissed that I had been taken by a girl and one so small on top of that but was proud though that my mate could fight like that and take care of herself.

“I want a rematch!”

My mate sighed but the coach called out and reluctantly said, “good job Scarlett and sorry Alexander but we have to move on save your rematch for next week.”

That whole day I got shit from my pack because I got beat by her. But also agreed that she was smart and I got played. Either way I came out looking bad and I got even more grumpier. Shit was supposed to get easier when I found my mate not more complicated and it was certainly not supposed to be with my freaking enemy.

I looked over too Scarlett across the lunch room. She was laughing and teasing her friends. Hell even some of my pack and Bane pack were there too. But she was completely ignoring what happened in last class. Hell I was too, but it pissed me off, that she was doing it as well. She was ruled by her emotions no way she could let this go. 

I may have to change the game a little bit. If she acted like this didn’t affect her, then I will push her limits.

Then I saw Grayson put an arm around Scarlett and I growled.

Every wolf in the room immediately became silent and looked directly at me.

It wasn’t loud enough for the humans to hear but all the wolves know the growl of a pissed of alpha no matter how silent it seems to be. Then of course when the wolves go silent, then humans go silent. 

The silence was eerie as now everyone was looking at me.

My wolf growled again and said to me “She is mine.”

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