Chapter 8 - Loosing Control

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Hello All, since this story is starting to better with wattpadians, I am uploading again yay........ I still need help choosing characters. Let me know if you have any ideas on who guys would like to play who.....Anywhooooo. Thanks for reading....


Chapter 8 - Loosing Control Scarlett’s POV

As my threat settled into every ones head, every wolf also knew, that Ayden was the problem. Everyone knew me and knew I would never make a threat like that unless I or someone I cared about was being threatened.  Ayden was now shaking. He was about to loose control and shift here in front of the humans.

“Ayden, I suggest you and I go out side and talk now” I used my alpha authority knowing mine weighed more heavily on him than his on me. 

He stiffly turned around and walked outside. I followed with one last command, “No one follows unless called.” 

Last thing was I needed was all three packs following or only a few following and starting rumors. I wouldn’t mind if Grayson followed but wished he would give me a few minutes before coming out. As I reached the doors, I saw it was storming. Why is it that when we fight we are out in the woods when it’s pouring rain. Oh well I didn’t mind it. The gloomy whether gave me comfort. I followed his scent to my clearing, where he was punching a tree. Silly boy. 

“What do you think you were doing back there” he bellowed at me.

I flinched and right now I was honestly scared of him even knowing I could take him in human form, but he was about to go wolf at any minute and fighting in wolf form is completely different. I don’t think I would be able to take him, though I would give a good run for his money.

“Me, what about you and the threat to Grayson? That was uncalled for. You let your wolf control you because you thought someone was moving in on your mate. Which is kinda funny considering you’ve been ignoring me like the plague since school started and today when we touched I knew you knew for sure.” I screamed at him and my chest started aching as the feeling of being rejected sets in.

In a movement so quick, I didn’t even register it, I was slammed against a tree with his knee between my legs hiking me up and a hand against my throat.  He did this so my move from earlier couldn’t happen. Though the grip on my neck was gentle, but his wolf was taking control and he could easily snap my neck, so i did the only thing i could do. I put my hands on his chest and started stroking in a soothing manner hoping to calm his wolf down.

“You are my mate and don’t act like you haven’t ignored this as well. You don’t want to be mated to me.” he said low and threateningly.

“I loved you, hell I am still in love with you! That never stopped but you left me. Remember! I wanted you so bad. I was in love with you and wished to the moon goddess that you were my mate. You left me broken hearted and never looked back. What right do you have to do this to me now!?” I screamed at him. My throat started to become increasingly tight as I started to cry. I started to cry right infront of him.

The person I have loved.....

The person that I have hated.......

And now the person who holds my heart and soul in hands.....

The same person who has hated me with out a reason for the better part of my life now.

He let go of me and I drop to the wet forest floor and fell to my knees. “My mom died because of you…..We fought to protect you…The rogues came for you, not for us. No one told you because we didn’t want to hurt you. But our parents died protecting you!” he yelled at me. His eyes kept flashing between the wolfs eyes and his eyes. 

I sat there frozen, wanting to deny his words, but somehow unable too.  He looked down at me and his face softened. There was only truth in his eyes.  In mine, there was only pain.  I wanted to die…… I somehow destroyed my mate’s life, my parents, and my mate’s parents.  He continued to look at me as I sobbed. My body started to shake and not from rage. I was breaking down. 

“I can’t do this….......not anymore”he whispered voice trailed off as he started walking away….

“Go ahead and leave me exactly how you left me last time you bastard.  I needed you then as well.” I screamed.

He never came back. I continued to sob on the forest floor with the rain pouring down on my already drenched figure. Finally, the shaking became unbearable and I let the shaking take control not really caring. Hell I wanted to die. The amount of pain he just inflicted on me was unheard of. He not only told me the truth about the war that killed a whole bunch of lives, killed our parents and ruined the families of thoe who did die.... All because of me.

He rejected me, his mate. The one person, who was specifically designed for you.

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