Chapter 4 - Surprise Performance

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Ayden’s POV

We were about 2 weeks into school. I had already talked to my pack to chill out after Grayson had talked to me about the fighting. Everyone seemed to notice Scarlett wasn’t being her usual self. I knew it was bad if my pack was talking about her. 

Of course I saw her everyday and of course she didn’t ever talk to me. For some reason, even though we were enemies, me and my wolf felt annerved by this fact. In fighting class she didn’t even try anymore and in science it really sucked cause we were partners and she just sat there with her headphones on, staring out into space and being completely covered head to toe in clothing so I couldn’t prove if my wolf was right.

She was not the same girl I was in love with years ago, even though all me and her were best friends, I was in love with her. I always thought she was the one for me but we never got to find out and now she has changed and somehow even though I don’t have a right, that thought made me angry and sad at the same time. She always had a nice body and had no problem showing it but now apparently she does.

I got a message mentally from Jayden, my beta, telling me to head into the concert hall and that I should see what is happening.

As I got there Shelby and Scarlett were on stage performing. Scarlett seemed to be in her on world as she sung Foolish Games. A song in which I knew she loved from back when me and her were best friends. 

I see her voice has only improved along with her piano skills I thought to my self. I watched as Shelby walked up to Scarlett and they were talking about something. Finally, I saw Scarlett nod her head in what looked like approval and Shelby was practically beaming with happiness.

I realized why Shelby was so happy as I heard the first few chords being played. My Immortal was one of Shelby’s favorite songs and she really loved Scarlett singing it. 

Scarlett was gorgeous on stage and in this moment I knew she was playing for her self. I noted Jayden must have sent the mental message to everyone cause more of my guys were coming in constantly as well as her pack and the dark moon pack. 

Half way through the song I think, every wolf was already here intently watching her. She sang with so much heart, its nearly broke ours. We were being complete douches fighting so much. And she was right. I should have controlled my people during that first week but I had only encouraged it instead. Only really stopping it when I saw the toll it was taking on her.

Next thing I know Scarlett is stripping on stage. I saw her take her shirt off. I was outraged and thought she had lost her mind. I was about to run up there and tell her to put her clothes back on and that no one was supposed to see her like that but me.

“What the hell am I thinking. You have no control over her. Hell your not even supposed to like her…”  I thought to myself. What the hell is going on with me. 

She is our mate! Suck it and go tell her to put back on her clothes now. No other males should see her taking her clothes off. Only us! God my wolf is a possessive ass but then again with thoughts im having, so am I.

When I saw her stand back up. She was wearing a tank top that hugged her perfectly and now that too big shirt of hers was off, you could see how her clothes fit her figure perfectly. She was gorgeous. Hell she was my personal savior at the moment when I saw a glimpse of the old girl I fell in love with.

Then she goes up to the mic and finally looks at her audience. She shrugs as if she doesn’t care but questioningly looks back to Greg, Brendan, and Shelby for assurance, who of course, all nod in approval. 

She starts singing and during her performance she changes, the look on her faces becomes more happy, more confident, and I can see for the first time as she looks around all the packs coming together for this, that she has hope. 

She brought us all together. I knew it wouldn’t make things perfect, but it would make them better. All because no one can resist her. 

She is like a magnet, just seems to draw in everyone around her. She is a perfect born leader and wise beyond her years.

God since when the hell do I think like this. 

It was easy to hate her back when we didn’t see each other every day. Now that she was here in my face everyday, I started slowly learning what  a dick I have been the past four years.


It was the day we held the rite of passing ceremony. Scarlett, her younger siblings and I all at the top of the funeral pyre awaiting Scarlett to sing the old song. Scarlett was perfect as always even with tears streaming down her face when it came time sing. As she sung, we lit the pyres on fire. After she was still crying profusely and I was numb from the pain. We said our good byes then. She tried to hold my hand but I wouldn’t take it.

She was dead to me. My mother told me to protect her at all costs as me and my father held her as she was dying. She was covered in dirt, blood, and fur, surrounded by death and wolves fighting. She told me and my father to not blame ourselves. We all knew we could possibly die. I guess I just didn’t think my parents would die.

But I blamed her. I couldn’t help it. She was the easiest person to lash out on

After the ceremony was over. It started raining, and I ran to the forest to be alone with my thoughts. Scarlett of course followed.

“Please stop running” she chocked out…

“Scarlett we aren’t friends anymore!” I yelled back at her.

She flinched and whispered, “Why, we are best friends and I need your right now just as you need me….”

“Your right I need you……..I need you to stay the hell away from me. I may have my father still but he is no longer in there, no longer a man and its all your fault!” 

“How is this my fault……I didn’t ask to go to war and I sure as hell didn’t ask for our parents to die!” she said sobbing. 

We were both drenched now. 

“Just go away, your dead to me now too”

“Please don’t do this, don’t leave me. I love you.” she cried on hands and knees.

“Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead” I said.

With that I walked away, leaving her in a rainy forest with no one else in the world for her and I didn’t look back for quite some time.

End Flashback

I had been cruel to her. She didn’t know what was going on and I highly doubted she knew now. Both packs saw my cruelty towards her and that’s how our packs came to hate each other. But now it seems like there might be a possibility to be the way it was before. Just maybe.

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