Chapter 2 - Packs at School - Edited

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 Pic of Ayden on the side.....Yay this chapter is now edited. well for me its edited. I added a little bit but nothing much that would change the story line. I did add a few missing words and spell check as well as grammar check but i am not perfect. So i did the best i could. anyways best reading and joy in life


Chapter 2 - Packs at school

Scarlett’s POV

It was only Wednesday and there have been more suspensions in three days than in the entire high school last year. Not to mention Ayden seems to be in all of my classes, even my fighting class. That class I really dnn’t mind because hopefully I will get to beat him during class time. I also still had to care for my younger siblings. Thank god my parents were well off so I didn’t have money problems, that helped my keep the house and the pack going as well.

But with the way things were, even i got into fights or were breaking fights up depending on the situation. Things continued on like this for the rest of the week and by then i had had enough, so I called a pack meeting. It was now Saturday and I was exhausted but dying to get this meeting over with so hopefully school wouldn’t be so hectic anymore. 

“Listen I don’t want to hear excuses. I know some of you have defended yourselves or people you cared about but enough is enough. I want no more fighting unless absolutely necessary. I can’t keep breaking up fights and getting into them.” I stated furiously.

In my alpha voice I said, “No more fighting unless it’s self defense. Got it” my voice rang. And their heads bowed. I asked for parents’ supports in this to help me as well hoping that if they weren’t afraid of me, they would be afraid of what ever punishments their parents would no doubt deal.

But when Monday morning rolled around and i got to school, the first thing i saw when i entered the doors, there was a fight. I went to go break it up and saw none other than Ayden standing there watching this in all of his 6 foot 3 inch glory.  Of course he was standing by what I would assume to be his flavor of the week. Can we say man-whore. He still had the same eyes and hair that is now spiked instead of the fringe that would normally hang around his eyes. 

I, on the other hand, still had the same hair color but my hair was longer now and I my curves filled out a little more while I grew to be 5 foot 6 inches tall. 

So I walked up and pulled his two guys off of mine and punched them. They went flying into the lockers 5 feet away. Right when my boys were going to say something probably like “hell ya” or something, I simply did the same to them but a little bit harder because they disobeyed my command, and at the moment i really don't care if it was self defense.

Everyone was surprised by my actions even Ayden. “Everyone stop your fucking fighting now. I have had it. I don’t care who started it and why. Go tell the rest of the pack no provoking each other to start fights either to try to get around my self defense order. Now!!!" I screamed at them and they scurried away.

"And You” I said turning and strolling right up to Ayden, “How dare you let this fight continue. It was no doubt childish and your are the alpha. So start acting like the alpha you are supposed to be and lay down the law like I did. Me and you may be in this situation but so are the rest of our people and we all used to be friends. I don’t care if you hate me or if you care about the fact that I hate you, don’t drag our packs through this senseless shit. Next time I see you letting this happen their will be a fight between us and I don’t back down.” i seethed at him. 

His face was growing more livid by the second my rant continued and instead of staying there to listen to what he was going to yell at me, and have us end up in a fight; I turned my back and walked off. I was fuming. Instead of going to class where I would no doubtedly have to break up more fights, I went for a run. I needed to be alone and not have to worry about every one for five minutes. 

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