Chapter 9 - Finding Her

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Ok people sorry for the long wait. I have not been feeling good. Im not sure how im liking this chapter especially the end. i may end up revising it a little. Anyhoo enjoy comment and vote if you like please. I enjoy hearing peoples thoughts. Anyways back to my reading world lol

Chapter 9 - Finding her 

Grayson’s POV

It was the end of school now and none of us had heard a peep from Scarlett. Ayden was back now too, which worried me and Shelby about Scarlett. 

Shelby and I were standing out side in front of the school and I asked “Do you think I should go after her?”

“I don’t know. The last time they went into the forest alone was not a good thing. Let’s ask Ayden if he knows where she went. And I know you don’t want to but we have too.”

As if on queue, Ayden came walking out of school and I took my chance and got right in his face, “What did you do to her?" i snarled at him. My wolf was close to taking over and that would not be a good thing in such a public place.

“What are you talking about?” he sneered at me

“He means that you were the last person to see Scarlett and now she hasn’t been seen since and she isn’t responding to any member of the pack or Grayson asshole” Shelby said.

“What did you do to her Alexander?’ I questioned barely controlling my wolf

He looked guilty as all hell.

“I last saw her in the forest after she came running after me. We got into an argument and I left. She was still there last I saw her. Now let me pass.” he said as he pushed passed us. He tried looking angry but his expression was more of a painful one, rather than an angry one.

“Oh shit tell me Ayden you didn’t. Tell me you didn’t leave her like last time.” she said throwing her fists on his chest and he just looked down at her with a guilty expression.

Knowing the answer she started running towards the forest and I followed after her. We picked up Scarletts' scent but it was starting to disappear with the rain. We resulted in calling for her in order to find her. 

She didn’t respond to us if she heard us. Were were getting even more worried because we have been searching for 2 hours already and still found no trace. I should beat the bastard to a bloody pulp for this.

"Grayson, I found her!" Shelby screamed. We finally found her only though she looked like death warmed up and rolled over. Her small little body was shaking so bad, she was soaked and dirty from lying on the floor. She kept making a whimpering sound though she looked completely oblivious to the noise.

I felt my heart break for her. Ayden will pay I swear to the moon goddess. I picked her up bridal style. I knew she knew we were there and that she was in my arms but didn’t wrap her arms around me, instead she let her body hang limp and her head hanging over my arm.  

“Shhhhh, hush baby, we got you and your going to be fine.” I told her because she was still whimpering.

“What the hell did that bastard do to her?” I asked Shelby.

“The only time, I remember her like this was when I found her in the forest, after Ayden told her he blamed her for their parents death.” She stated remembering the time she found her.

“She was barely recovering from that, I’m not sure there will be a coming back for her now. I’m going to kill Ayden.” she whispered but the anger was clear.

“Not if I do it first. Wait till I get a hold of the council. He will pay!” I threatened. 

 Scarlett’s POV

I laid there for god knows how long.  But I heard foot falls, soft pads running through the forest floor. I hoped it was death coming for me.

“Scarlett!” I heard voices yelling.

“Scarlett” the voices calling coming closer

“Grayson, I found her” I heard Shelby yell.

“Hold tight girl, were bringing you home…”

Grayson ran over to me and picked me up bridal style. Even though I was awake, I wasn’t in my own body, at least not enough to care. I just hung there limply while my head hung over Grayson’s arm and just looked up at the sky pouring rain down on us.

“Shhhhh, hush baby, we got you and your going to be fine.” I heard Grayson coo. I guess I must have been crying or whimpering. I didn’t even know I was making a sound.

“What the hell did that bastard do to her?” he asked Shelby.

“The only time, I remember her like this was when I found her in the forest, after Ayden told her he blamed her for their parents death.” She stated sadly.

“She was barely recovering from that, I’m not sure there will be a coming back for her now. I’m going to kill Ayden.” she said furious.

“Not if I do it first. Wait till I get a hold of the council. He will pay!” Grayson threatened.

Why couldn’t they leave me there? It wasn’t fair. I was responsible for the war and for so many people dying and I didn’t even know why I was responsible was the worst part. Once they got me to my home, Grayson walked out of the room and let Shelly change my clothes. They kept talking to me but i couldn't hear a thing.

I was still lost in my own world after his confession. I was in pain and soon they learned i wasnt coming back to the world of living. Not anytime soon. What i was doing wasn't called living. They both left to take care of things that still needed to be done for the packs that night but i knew they would come back.

I didn’t go to school for 2 weeks. I lay in my bed not eating, not even crying anymore. I barely slept. I just wanted to die and be left alone. No one respected the just dying part or the wanting to be left alone part, if i was required to live. 

During those weeks, Shelby and Grayson were over constantly. They threatened me, tried talking to me, begging me, pleading for me to at least go to school. 

During my break down Duncan was leading. Shelby was taking care of my younger siblings and Grayson never left me, leaving his second in command to also take care of his pack. 

Finally after another 2 weeks I gave into them. I went back to school and took back my pack. But I wasn’t going to pretend all was better, because it wasn’t. I was just an empty shell but a shell that still had a pack to run, school to graduate, and siblings to take care of. I had responsibilities no matter how much I was hurting. 

I always hated it when people said it was going to be okay. They said that with time, the pain would go away. That is not true. It is still there, you just learn how to live it.

I always heard when mates rejected one another, that it was the worst pain of their life. That most of them committed suicide and the ones that lived were never the same again. I only know that pain to well and mix that with the pain that I’m responsible for so many deaths was just cruel. 

I was going on for my younger siblings and my pack. I dealt with business as needed but never talked or didn’t do anything more than required. 

I was dead inside. I didn’t know if I was ever going to get better but until someone can take the pack over, I got up everyday went to school, came home did meetings took care of my younger brother and sister, slept and repeat.

At school, I wasn’t any better. I was openly getting my ass kicked in training class, I didn’t really do any work, and Shelby was covering me for that. I was off in my own world of pain with my head phones on. 

I often ended up skipping class to play the piano and sing. My only refugee. During these times I could pour my emotions into my playing. Helping relieve some of the pain. Sometimes people would come in and listen, others times it was just me.

But eventually, I started to feel numb as the days passed. It was a blessing. I was able to start to focus on things again. I could talk without crying and i could fake it enough to give a passable smile. I suppose thats all i could ask for.

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