chapter 31

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dedicated to @dimmahheart 

not edited just wanted to get a chapter published

I finally made up with Chase. I couldn't be happier. Being in his arms again and kissing him feels like im back home. I didn't realize how empty I felt not being in his arm. I guess now would be a good time to tell him he is going to be a father and that im staying here with him

"well isn't this touching." i hear snapping me out of the kiss. I look towards the voice and see about 50/100 wolves braking through the tree line and into the clearing with about 40 human hunters

how the fuck could we not smell this many wolfs and humans i think to my self sniffing the air i still smell nothing

"They are using a scent replant" Amelia says

"fuck i cant shift, this is the worst time for this. we Could lose the baby what are we going to do" i ask her

"we will merge together" she says "i know its a risk and not many people can truly merge with their wolfs. a lot have gone insane from trying, but i know we are strong and can do it. We don't have any other choice .There are to many to fight if we don't there is a good chance we will die" she states.

"OK lets do it "

"okay just let go of your mind, let go of all control so i can come through once we merge you will not hear me we will be one mind" she says,

I close my eyes and take a deep breathe. I release it letting go and freeing my mind. I feel a slight pressure in my brain, it slowly grows becoming more and more painful until its almost as if my brain is going to split in two

"no don't stop now. its almost complete. don't but your barriers back up " Amelia warns me

The pain is becoming to much, i fall to my knees holding my head and gritting my teeth, to stop from screaming out loud

" i cant do this its too much" i cry out. the pain is making me want to give up

"NO don't do it Skylar if you stop now you will lose yourself. you will never be the same you, will live in constant pain causing you to go crazy. this is the effect and why a lot of wolfs lose the will to continue. you will lose yourself completely, if you stop now. eventually you will go insane and kill yourself to stop the pain" she yells

"i cant take much more " i literally feel like my head is going to explode

"I CANT" i yell letting go. suddenly something snaps almost like an elastic band and the pain is gone and i feel a bit disorientated



SKYLAR" i hear someone shout snapping me out of it. i open my eyes everything is so much clearer i feel so powerful i stand up and look around and it is chaos

All around us is ours packs fighting with the rouges and hunters. Chase. Liam, and Blakes are around me protecting me from harm

"whats happening Skylar are you okay:" Blake links me while ripping a rouges throat out

"i am great, amazing you know i cant shift so im going to disarm them and i need you to finish them off can you do that " i ask him and jump onto the fight

"yes i have your back lets do this" he says jumping into action as i charge towards the rouges

rouges jump at me from all over. i jab them all in there soft spot neutralizing them. while Blake rips their throats out behind me. I feel so alive and powerful like nothing can stop me. i literally snap hunters necks and plunge my hands into their bodies ripping out their hearts. one hunter comes at me with some swords slashing at me as i dodge her. i see an opening and rip out her throat i pick up her swords and start killing rouges and hunters

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