chapter 27

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Warning little sexual scene in this chapter

I wake up without the burning heat of lust riding my thoughts and actions

Sitting up I sigh In relief knowing that my heat is finally over.  looking down at Chase's sleeping face. I cant help but admire how handsome he really is. Not wanting to wake him, I put up a block on my thoughts and gently slip out of bed. "Oh fuck my back hurts", "Shit" during my heat i was always to aroused to feel any pain. But now that its over, i feel everything. Holding back my grunts of pain, i slowly limp towards the bathroom. i turn on the shower and wait until its scolding hot, finally ready i hop in and face my back towards the water i lean forward and place my hand on the wall letting the water  runs down my shoulders and down to my back as it relaxes my muscles. When the hot water has finally relaxed my muscles and i don't feel like im going to be crippled for the rest of my life i hop out.

After showering I dry off and head back into the bedroom. I notice Chase is still asleep, still not ready to face him i silently  pull on some shorts and head up stairs towards the kitchen, on the way to the kitchen I notice nobody else is up, I look at the timer on the oven 0400 well no wonder,  its only 4am. The omega and pack lady's don't wake up till at least 5am to start breakfast for the pack and get the house ready for a new day

Making myself a cup of coffee I head outside and sit on the veranda swing chair. I look out across the pack lands. The pups playground. The packs meeting  area. The training grounds. The picnic and social area. All the memory's of growing up here come back to me, and i realize there isn't one area that I have a good memory of.

With all these memory's and feeling it brings back I also realize nothing has changed. Just because me and Chase have had sex it  and mated doesn't mean iv changed. My heat just brought us together, otherwise i never would of let him in. I never planned to forgive him and i still haven't. I still plan on leaving with my pack once our time is up

Do I love Chase? I do. Our mate bond makes it so. I cant help but love him. But do I forgive him? No. I haven't there is still so much wrong with our relationship that a bit of sex doesn't change anything

Catching his scent before i see him, I look up and watch him him coming towards me only wearing tight black briefs, showing off his 8ack abs, and strong muscular thighs. The memory of how powerful those thighs are while he holds me up as he thrusts into me flashes through my mind, i cant help but feel an excited flutter in my heart a feel my cock become semi erect.  I hate myself for it

"Hey Sky are you okay. I could feel your anxiety and tension through our mate bond" he asks

"I'm fine" I reply and look away not knowing what to say

"You regret what happened don't you" he asks sounding sad. I can feel how hurt he is through our bond

Looking up at him into his eyes I reply "No I don't regret it, but for me it doesn't change anything. Im still going to leave with my pack once training is over"

"WHY!!  cant we work it out? cant you give us a chance? We won't be able to live without eacgother now that we have mated" he begs sounding upset

" I can't. Sex doesn't change the past, all the pain and suffering you and you pack caused me. If it wasn't for me going into heat, i would never of slept with you. Don't you see,  for me this pack house and these lands hold no good memory's for me, that play ground over there  was the first place you pushed me down and called me names, while the other kids just laughed and did nothing, and from there it got so much worse as we got older. There so so many more memories like that for me here. Nothing but pain and suffering. All the abuse i endured with you being the front runner, the rest followed your example. From name calling, being pushed down, beaten and finally rejected. After my parents were killed right in front of me, you all turned you back on me, so why is it a surprise that im now turning my back on you and your pack" I tell him and i see the quilt,shame sadness and regret in his eyes

Rejected and now a Bad ass (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now