Sans has a cool brother.

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So, while I was gone having my writers block, I was busy obsessing over undertake, and to keep me in the mood of writing a comic with my buddy, I'm going to do this! Well, enjoy, lots of fangirling ahead, no lemons, promise. Just a lot of sad stuff. (Y/N) means to read your own name!


Sighing, you let your fingers slip off the width of the ruin door, allowing it to fall and slam behind you, making a deep noise echo in the trees. Shaking your head, you tried to forget about Toriel and head forward.

You took a few steps forward, before beginning to walk steadily along, shivering in the cold, how could it suddenly change from being warm in the ruins to snowing outside! You certainly weren't dressed for this.. You had shorts for Pete's sake.

You looked up to see a large mantle, which sloped down and connected to a bridge, which seemed steady enough, but you hesitate on crossing it, hearing footsteps behind you. Startled by the sound of a Snapping branch, you spun around, hearing a soft chuckle fill the air. Turning away, you placed your left foot in front of you, getting ready run... but a voice stopped you.

"Hey, that's not how you greet a new pal, kid." The voice was deep, and when you turned around, it had clearly came from the skeleton, He wore a blue jacket and a white shirt over Black shorts that had white stripes on the outside edges, and fuzzy pink slippers.. how odd. Sucking in your breath, you let your eyes fall on the the white mitten he had on his hand, slowly reaching out and letting your hand cup into it. When you did, you heard a deep buzzing, Letting out a shudder, you reflexively pull your arm to your chest, swallowing fearfully. The skeleton in front of you let out a deep laugh, snickering, "Hey, hey buddy, just s buzzer trick." He raised his hand to your face, a nice, hidden buzzer strapped around his hand, "Name Sans." Sans winked, a silly grin appearing on his face as he shoved his hands into his jacket pockets.

Calming down, you let out a sigh smiling, "okay.. urh, sans.. my names (Y/N)" Sans smirked, leaning forward to meet your face- which wasnt much, because he was only a few inches taller than you- "(Y/N), huh? nice name. Your headed to Snowdin?" Raising an eyebrow, you tilted your head, stepping away from him nervously, "Whats that?" Raising back up, he couched into his mitten, obviously realizing you didn't like his face being that close, and, oddly enough, is cheek bones where tinted a soft blue, "Oh, its the Town up in the snow where I live."

After thinking a moment you nod, and Sans Offers to show you the way, which you accept quickly wanting to get out of the cold. the two of you walk along in a comfortable silence, crossing the bridge and walking until you reached an odd hut, which Sans explained to be his Brothers Watchout station. "Brother? You have a brother?" Raising an eyebrow , you tilted your head in question.

Sans let out a soft chuckle, nodding, "Yeah, hes my younger brother, despite being waaaaay taller then me. Hes a pretty cool guy, aside from being horrible at cooking. He wants to one day Join the royal gaurd, too. He thinks the only way to do that is to capture a human..but.. H-hey, Just talk to him and he'll probably see you aren't a threat and let you go. alright?" smiling, you thought about how cool this brother sounded, feeling your Cheeks become slightly red, warm, too.

Sans was staring at you oddly, and after a few moments, he put a hand on your forehead, which you quickly slapped away, snapping out of your daydream. "Sorry," he shrugged, "Thought you were maybe getting to cold, your cheeks got red." You chuckled nervously, "l-lets just go," you stammered, walking ahead of sans, who eventually led you into snowdin. Looking around, you smiled at the cute little town, giggling, when you passed the nice little tree with presents under it, and when you looked back in front of you, the earth seem to be rushing forward to meet your face. You had tripped on a root that you were to distracted to notice- but before you hit the ground, sans reached out, grabbing you in his arms. "easy now, kid, don't want to fall into the snow. you might get chilled to the bone.

You frowned, "th-thanks, Sans, but.. please, put me down." He Gently set you down on the snow, letting you stand yourself, chuckling, "You really dislike being touched, eeh?" Nodding, you led Sans lead you into a big house- presumably his... it would be weird if it wasnt- where you sat n the couch, snuggling into it. "Hey, (Y/N), want me to get my brother?" You sparked up, a grin flashing on your face, "Yes, please!" you nodded, and Sans started to walk up the stairs, not particually keep to your excitment.

"alright," You watched as Sans knocked on the first door upstairs, and whispered a few things, before a tall skeleton walked out, dressed in something of a bad remake out of an old history book!


Going to leave this here ;D hehhehehee, this was fun to right, hope you guys enjoy i will probably update later tonight or tomorrow... any suggests? Thx for reading guys -Vappy

A little chilled to the bone. (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now