Will i be okay?

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You sighed, smiling as you leaned your head against sans shoulder, letting your eyes close softly. "Sans.. I'm going to be fine, right?" You felt sans turn his head to you, chuckling- even though it was obviously forced- and sighing. "Of course.. (Y/N).. You'll be okay..."

You frowned, hearing the worry in sans voice.. You were so dumb to have gone out in the cold like that. You should of just waited for him to come back. Raising up, you presses your lips against sans teeth, smiling as you watched his face tint in blue. It wasn't as strong as the first time you did it, but each time you laid a kiss onto him, his face became an adorable, soft blue tint.

You pulled away, chuckling at his flustered state. "Sans, can we go to waterfall, I want to do something fun. Since it isn't as cold there, I'll be fine, right? We could also go to this alphys person undyne always talks about. She's super smart right? She can probably he-" you spoke quickly, knowing if he got the chance, sans your cut you off and tell you no. But, you weren't quick enough, "(Y/N).. We can't. You might get worst, your still really sick, it hasn't even been a day yet."

You frowned, puffing out your red cheeks, "but sans. I want to do something with you.. In case.. I don't get another chance." You searched sans face, and felt yourself become guilty as his eyes widened. He put his hands on your shoulders and shook his heard fiercely, "(Y/N)! Don't talk like that! Your going to be Fine."

You sighed, frowning, but ended up looking back up at sans when he let out his own sigh. "(Y/N).. If you feel better tomorrow..." He smiled softly at you, "I promise that I will take you to waterfall, okay?" You smiled, "and to meet alphys?"

"And, to meet alphys." He smiled, pressing his lips against your forehead, you smiled bigger, and leaned against sans chest. He wrapped his arms around you, and pulled you close, resting his chin on your head so that you were softly cuddling into his neck. "Get some rest (Y/N).. your so cute.." you giggled at his compliment, and closed your eyes for a nice rest.


You had planned to be asleep only a few hours, but that didn't go as planned. you opened your eyes and looked around. when you fell asleep it must of been morning, but now it was defiantly what they called the nighttime in the  underground. the lights were out in the house except for the one in the kitchen, and you couldn't see anything outside the window. Sighing, you walk into the kitchen, seeing a small cup laying on the sink, you walk over and find there's a paper under it. picking it up, you read the paper to yourself;


  Hey, i realized you might wake up before me, so i made you some nice tea. its golden flower tea, undyne said you seemed to enjoy it when you were over with papyrus. I hope it doesn't taste to bad..... -Sans ~ XXX (p.s. Please wake me if you need anything my love)

You smiled down at the note happily. sans could be so sweet sometimes. you picked up the cup-- it wasn't very hot, so he must of made it a while ago. You took a sip of the tea, smiling at the sweet flavour (I Imagine flowey- i mean flowers, taste sweet). Yawning, you cracked your neck and placed the cup gently in the sink. Your smile widened as you placed a hand on your forehead, feeling that the heat had died away, and you didn't feel as bad. You stretched, feeling tense from not moving for so long. 

 You turned around, letting out  a little squeak when you saw Sans leaning on the side of the door, his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. he chuckled, "oh, come on (y/n)! i was enjoying the view. You felt yourself blushing, and stuck your tongue out, earning a small laugh. "so how was the tea?" you smiled. "it was really good, sans! thanks..it was really sweet of you"

you watched his face light up being slightly tinted in blue as he smiled to himself. Giggling, you walked over to him, grabbing is hands from his pockets and leaning to meet his face. 'hey saaaaaaans~" you smirked, and his face dropped, knowing what was coming. "You promised you would take me~ Lets goooo~" sighing, Sans took is hands bakc and raised the in the air. "fine, fine. I surreneder. Let me find my slippers and ill Be ready." He shrugged, walking off.


You Yawned, stepping off the boat and running down a hallway you knew all to well. this hall was the wishing room, and when you reached the end, you dove into a patch of flowers, listening to the Wishes flow around you. When you first found this place the wishes were mostly wanting to leave the underground. now they became nice words of wanting everyone to be happy and things of the such.

you turned years head to the side with a sigh, feeling sans lay down next to you. You smiled at him, a she took your hand in his. You knew that your family would be worried about you, but.. you liked it here.. you wanted to be with Sans, and papyrus, and to help everyone here in the underground.

You frowned. Sans had told you about asgore and how many times you two had battled.. he had to know you were here right? -- "(Y/N).. hey.. what are you thinking about?" you watched sans set up, doing the same. "oh.. nothing,"

"(Y/N).. dont lie to me."



that took longer then i expected. I planned to have this out earlier, but, i was writing on my laptop which is harder for me because my fat fingers always mess up my typing. WHoOPS. i wanted to make something really cute this time. dont worry, there isnt going to be anything sad for atleast a couple more chapters.. well. i wont promise that. but nothing TO sad next chapter~ btw thank you SO much guys!! Theres so many freaking views and votes and comments, it makes me sooooooo happy~~ 

A little chilled to the bone. (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now