My father! My father...

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More Sans POV

I raised an eyebrow at the two, tilting my head. "Uhm.. What are you two doing..?" I felt my heart sink at the red blush painted on (Y/N)s face. I'm sure they was just surprises but.. I couldn't help be feel a twinge of jealousy... Or at least Sadness.

I shook my head. "Never mind.. I.. Don't want to know. Hey-- You two sure that pot of.. whatever isn't going to burn?" I snickered, watching them move around in shambles to take care of the boiling water that had began to foams and keep from the edges of the pot.

I smiled, my eyes locked on (Y/N). While truly, they was the most adorable thing when when embarrassed. I leaned against the rim if the door mantle, smirking I simply watched.

"Well.. Look like (Y/N)s not the only thing hot in here- oh wait, my bad. I think it was actually you who boiled the pot over." I smirked, watching (Y/N) stick her tongue out at me.

"Fuck you, sans." She glared, causing me to grin even more. "When and where, sweet heart?" I chuckled to my self, my grin dropping as papyrus sighed st us.

"REALLY, THE TWO OF YOU! DO YOU EVER STOP MAKING MOVES AT THEM, SANS.." I didn't know why, but lately, Papyrus has been acting strange. As if he knows something I don't.. Or.. In the very least.. Has a secret.

The human moved over to papyrus saying something about being sorry, before looking over at me. "Sans?"

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow, "What's it? Lay it on me, kid." They grinned at me happily, speaking with a Chipper tone. "Papyrus remembers!"

I nodded, "so.. Something happened with the reset paradox.. Let's see.. I.. Here, come with me, (Y/N), Paps.. I have an idea." I grabbed (Y/N)s hand, dragging her out to the side of the house as papyrus followed.

Grabbing the silver key from my jacket pocket, I slowly unlocked the door, shoving on it lightly so the door didn't slam and scare the two.

Papyrus dropped his voice to that rare whisper. "Sans.. What is this place.." I frowned, I had never shown this place to papyrus and hoped I never had to, "Its.. My lab. I used to use it a lot.. Before... It happened.."

Sighing, I pushed the door open, ignoring the papers that were thrown about my desk and to floor as I moved the blue curtain out of the way. I ran my hand along the rim of the white-painted iron, to the gear that activated the machine.

"This is.. To put it simply. a time machine. But.. It should never be activated.. No.. Not after what happened. Tell me.. Papyrus..." I turned to look at him. "Do you remember our father?"

He frowned "NO BROTHER.. I.. DONT RECALL. DO WE EVEN HAVE ONE?" I turned away again. "I see. Alright. Well.. Father... Gatser.. He was the royal scientist. You see.. He realized what was going on with reset.. And so did I. Once we became aware.. You see.. It let us be able to remember what previously happened. And for a long time... we were okay with it."

I sighed. "But eventually, Dad became restless, he wanted to find a way to prevent the catastrophic events that kept happening. So.. He attempted to create a time machine to go back and.. He wanted to kill you (Y/N).. Before you could fall down here and create a loop." I felt (Y/N) place a hand on my shoulder and I realized I was shaking.

Nodding, I kept going, " "but toy shouldn't try to mess with time. It causes bad things to happen... Well, either way, let's just say he's dead and gone now only small traces of him remain. And.." I shook my head, letting tears slide Down my cold cheeks as I turned around pulling (Y/N) into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around them, shoving my face into their shoulder and crying. And crying. and crying some more. I pulled them close, choking on my own tears as they whispered comforting things.

I helped.. But still... I eaved over papyrus, having him join our hug.
I sniffles, smiling. "I feel better.. Sorry.. It was all besides he point.. I.. I only brought you because.. What if gaster is back? It the only explanation." I watched them shrug, rummaging through the papers.

While I did this, I noticed the two becoming quite, but instead, a different voice Peirce's the air.

A familiar one.

"Sans.. you always were smart." I turned around, feeling my self crying again as I stared at gaster. "My son."
Gaster is the last major plot twist. And you know what that means! Less then 7 chapters till the story ends. Its come so far -sniffle- okay, well. Sorry there so much headcannon in these. just makes it easier. this chapter wsnt cute, bit, its important I do these to build up tot he greater scheme of things.

A little chilled to the bone. (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now