this doesnt feel right...

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You sucked in your breath, feeling yourself freeze in fear. "THAT SCENT MAKES ME WANT TO ELIMINATE..." You felt the blade be removed from your back, "ELIMINATE YOU."

Your eyes widened even more then they already where, but even in your state of fear, you manages to duck and barely miss the blade slashing over your head. Breathing heavily, you scrambled back in the snow. "Please, please don't hurt me!"

You pleaded, but the dogs wouldn't listen. You rolled to the side as the blade was struck down inches from your face, and in a panic, you started to whine, rolling from side to side in the snow to try and dodge each attack tat kept coming down on you.

You where quickly getting tired unsure of how to get out of this situation. You closed your eyes, whining, "Somebody, somebody help me!" You felt yourself crying Now, and knew nobody would Come for you... You wouldn't be able to tell sans you are sorry.. Wait... Sans... Sans?

You opened your eyes, realizing, that you hadn't been hit the since you called for help. You looked up to see somebody standing in front of you, dressed in a blue hoodie and black short. The dogs were being pulled up by some force, that tossed them to the ground when the Skeleton realized you had opened your eyes.

He smiled weakly at you over his shoulder and turned again to address the dogs, "Dogamy, Dogareessa, hey, mind leaving the human alone, this ones not a threat, k?" The nods nodded quickly, fleeing before sans could do.. whatever it was he just did again.

He frowns and turned to you, kneeling down (not that he really needed to) and stretched out a hand to help you up. You swallowed and put your hand in his, letting him help you to your feet, "what where you doing out here?! You could of gotten killed by them!"

You frowned, feeling your eyes burn with tears again, "Sans.. Sans.. I, I... I just wanted to say... To say..." You sniffles, feeling your lip quiver. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry sans" you felt the tears slide down your cheeks, making him frown even more.

"Okay, kiddo, don't cry. Let's get you home. Papyrus is probably worries sick." You nodded, and let him lead you back. You where mostly silent until you reached grillbyz, where sans suddenly caught you off guard.

"Kid, if your sorry, then why do you keep acting like you hate me?" Your eyes grew big. You were only caught off guard because you didn't have an answer, you had expected him to ask.. But dreaded it. You frowned, thinking, and eventually had to stop walking to say anything.

"I didn't realize... That I was doing it. If i'm being honest.. I was.. Scared.. At first, you popped out of no where trying to be friendly, and it.. Freaked Mr out of I'm honest." You chuckled, It felt nice to get this off your chest, "I... I won't do it any more.. sans, I don't hate you. I don't think I ever could... Your too punny for anybody to hate."

You saw sans smiling, a soft blue blush on his cheeks. He nodded and you two kept walking, eventually stepping inside the house where papyrus was happily waiting, sitting on the couch with stars in his eyes.

This made you smile slightly, and you gave a small wave. "Hey papyrus, I found sans." Sans didn't have time to say anything, let alone explain why it took so long, because papyrus had stood up and grabbed your hand in his own, looking at you happily.

"HUMAN, ARE YOU READY TO GO ON OUR DATE?!" Oh crap.. You had forgotten.. You chuckled nervously and nodded, glancing at sans from the corner of your eyes.. He had his usual silly from on, but it seemed like it was more exaggerated then usual..
Forced, even, as if he really wasn't happy enough to smile.

He saw you glancing over and gave you a big thumbs up, which prompted papyrus to begin pulling you up to his room. "HUMAN, LET US GO TO OUR ROOM AND DO WHAT PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY ARE ON DATES!" You felt your cheeks get red at the thought, also hearing the faint laughter of sans as the door was closed behind you.

You looked around at the to, then papyrus "HUMAN, WOULD YOU LIKE TO START, OR DO YOU WANT TO LOOK AROUND FIRST." Sighing you walked over and nodded to him. He rushed over to a bookshelf and pulled out a book.

"HUMAN, I SNAGGED A DATING RULEBOOK FROM THE LIBAARBY! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!" You nodded, distracted by what you and sans had talked about earlier... And the fact that his grin seemed forced, kept popping into your mind.

Papyrus began to read something, but toy didn't hear it because you were to busy spacing out. When you came to, he was waving his hand wildly in your face. Frowning, he whined, "HUMAN..... You don't seem to be having fun... You HAVE to have fun on a date with the GREAT papyrus!" He shrugged and gave him a weak smile.

"It.. Just doesn't feel right, papyrus." He frowned, "how so.. Human?" You shrugged again, "I wasn't really thinking about you when we were making spaghetti.. It was sans I was thinking about.. I was wondering why he cared if I hated him or not.. And being worried about him."

You felt your cheeks grow hot as papyrus slowly pieced together what you just said, ending with a small, "oh." He frowned, but it slowly turned into a grin, "SO YOU HAVENT FALLEN FOR THE GREAT PAPYRUS?" you nodded "YOU FELL FOR SANS!"

Your eyes widened and you almost fall onto your butt. "WHAT?!"


Okay this ones extra long, yay, well, compared to the other chapters. Two chapters in a day.. Nice! Its possible that I was post more tonight, but, either way, enjoy.. Leave any suggestion, tell me if I need to fix any mistakes.. and vote! BTW libaarby is correct xD heh. Ignore that.

A little chilled to the bone. (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now