Milestone of development
The following chart describes some of the milestone parents can expect their one to five year olds to reach durinh their preschool years. Thes milestones are presented according to the age of which they usually occur. Since each child develops on an individual timetable, a particular child maybe ahead of,on, or behind thae statistical average. Consult your child's healthcare professional if your child is consistently delayed in reaching milestone or id you're concerned about other aspects of your child's development.
Age 1-2 Years
* Explores his environment; gets into things
* Takes one long nap a day
* Plays alone for short periods of time
* Explores his body
Techniques to Discipline your CHILD
RandomTIPS ON HOW TO HANDLE YOUR CHILD'S BEHAVIOR. If you are a parent, recognize that it the most important calling and rewarding challenge you have. What you do every day, what you say and how you act, will do more to shape the future of america than an...