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2-3 Years

* Runs, climbs, pushes, pulls; is very active
* Legs appear knock-kneed
* Feeds himself with fingers, spoon and cup
* Can remove some of his clothing
* Explores his genitalia
* Sleeps less, wakes easily
* Likes routines
* Becomes upset if his mother is away overnight
* Wants to do things himself
* Is balky and indecisive; changes his mind
* Has flashes of temper; changes his mood often
* Imitates adults
* Plays Beside but not with children his own age
* Is not yet able to share, wait, take turns, give in
* Likes water play
* Prolongs the goodnight ritual
* Uses single words;,short sentences
* Is often negative; says "No"
* Understands more than he can say

3-4 Years

* Runs, jumps, ans climbs
* Feeds himself; drinks neatly from a cup
* Carries things without spilling
* Can help dress and undress himself
* May noy sleep at naptime, but plays quietly
* Is responsive to adults; wants approval
* Is sensitive to expressions of disapproval
* Cooperates; likes to run simple errands
* Is at a "Me, too!" Stage; wants to be included
* Is curious about things and people
* Is imaginative; may fear the dark, animals
* May have an ordinary companion
* May get out of bed a night
* Is talkative; uses short sentences
* Can wait his turn; has little patience
* Can take some responsibility, such as putting away toys
* Plays well alone, but group play can be stormy
* Is attached to parent of opposite sex
* Is jealous, especially of a new baby
* Demonatrate guilt feelings
* Releases emotional insecurity by whining, crying, requesting reassurance of love
* Releases tension by thumbsucking, nail biting

4-5 Years

* Continues to gain weight and height
* Continues to gain coordination
* Has good eating, sleeping, and elimination habits
* Is very active
* Starts things, but doesn't necessarily finish them
* Is bossy, boastful
* Plays with others, but is self assertive
* Has short lived quarrels
* Speaks clearly; is a great talker
* Tells stories; exaggerates
* Uses toilet words in a silly way
* Makes up meaningless words with lots of syllables
* Laugh, giggles, dawdles
* Washes when told
* Is at the "How?" and "why?" stage
* Demonstrates dependence on peers

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