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Alarming statistic show that accidents are the number one cause of death in young children. Most accidents occur as a result of children's normal, healthy curiosity. Chances of getting hurt increase as children creep, crawl, walk, climb, and explore. The following checklist identifies steps parents should take to prevent home accidents:

* Always keep guns ans knives locked safely away from children. Each gun should have its own trigger lock, and ammunition should be locked in a separate location out of reach of little hands.

* Install childproof latches on all cabinets and drawers than contain dangerous objects.

* Crawl through the house on your hands and knees to spot enticing hazards to be remedied.

* Pluh empty electrical outlets with plastic plugs designed for this purpose.

* Remove unused extension cords.

* Move large pieces of furniture in front of electrical outlets that have cords plugged in them, or install protective outlets coverings that prevent a child from unplugging the cord.

* If small tables or other furnishings are not sturdy or have sharp corners, put them away until your child is older, or install protective coverings around sharp edges.

* Large pieces of furniture that a child can climb and tip over should be safely secured to a nearby wall.

* Place dangerous household substances, such as detergents, cleaning fluids, razor blades, matches, and medicine, well out of reach in a Locked cabinet.

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