Meeting again

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Homicidal Liu

You were going through your camera footage, trying to find a good angle of the boy's face and possibly his friends. You sighed and went through the camera you had in your hand at the time. You paused at a certain point and looked at it, the boy had stitches all over his face, making you wonder what had happened. You decided to go back to the graveyard, in an attempt to meet the boy. You finished going through your film, wondering why you couldn't see the other boy that was with him. You just shrugged it off and got up, grabbing your bag of equipment. No point in not setting these back up, even if the boys aren't there. You might catch something on camera tonight! You headed out the door, going to the graveyard. You only lived a couple blocks from it, so that's convenient. Once you got there, you began setting up the cameras.
A few hours later**
No sign of the boys yet, but you weren't giving up hope yet. You began to try and communicate with the spirits again. You heard a quiet crunch of leaves being stepped on and turned around. The boy was standing behind you, watching. "You realize there's no ghosts and it's just me-"
"And me"
"That walk around and scare people right?", two voices came from the teen, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "How the hell are you doing that?", you asked and he sighed quietly. "Long story.. To make it short, just know that there's two people trapped in one body..", he replied and you tilted your head. "Like a split personality?", you asked and he nodded. "Something like that"
"I'm Sully"
"I'm Liu", you noticed when "Sully" spoke, his voice was a little deeper and his eyes changed to a darker shade of green. "I'm-", you started but "Sully" cut you off. "Y/N, we know. Liu's been sorta watching you". Okkkaaaayyyyy. That wasn't creepy or anything. (creepypasta, get it? hahaha I'm sorry) You nodded slightly,"o...kay.." He rubbed the back of his neck and watched,"I'll see you soon.." He then took off into the forest again.

Sonic.exe (shortish) 

It's been a few days since your encounter with Sonic, but you were still a bit frightened. You sighed, deciding you needed to grow a pair and stop with your irrational fear. You went back onto the webpage, sighing quietly and chose Tails again. You went through all the bullshit, when Sonic appeared. "Hello, do you want to play with me? Y/N", you jumped slightly, feeling a bit more uncomfortable that it knew your name. You began to play, jumping slightly when Sonic appeared on the screen. "Hello again", the message box read and you shook slightly. "why did I play this", you said to yourself and the message box appeared again. "Because you missed me", your laptop began glitching again, making you nearly throw it. Sonic.exe crawled through and looked at you, smirking slightly. "Hello again", he spoke and you waved slightly, not as afraid. "I've gotta go, but I just wanted to say hey. I'll be seeing you soon, again", he disappeared back into your laptop. 

Lost Silver

It's been a while since you last picked up your GBC, you were sorta scared to see the teen (?) again, as all you knew was he's a Creepypasta. You only knew this because you looked up the game and the creepypasta website said his name was Lost Silver. It didn't have detail on who he was, just that he 'haunts' the game. "Somewhat like BEN Drowned", you said to yourself and went back on his CreepyPasta page. You read through the story once again, before grabbing your GBC. You slowly turned it on and sighed, playing through it once again. A message box appeared,"hello again". You only had the 'yes' and 'no' options, so you chose yes. Your GBC began to glitch, making you throw it at the wall. You must've not used enough force, because Lost appeared, rubbing his head. "Ow", was all he said, making you giggle to yourself. "R-real funny", he chuckled quietly and walked over. You watched and backed up slightly, making him stop. "D-don't be a-afraid..", suddenly his legs burst into unowns, making him fall. You widened your eyes and got up, helping him up. "S-sorry.. T-that happens a-a lot", he apologized and you smiled lightly. "Don't worry about it", you set him on the bed and he smiled lightly. "I'm L-Lost Silver a-and y-you're Y/N, ri-right?", he asked and you nodded. 

Dr. Smiley

You were laying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling in thought. "Could he actually help me?..", you asked yourself and shook your head. "No, he's just some psycho", you answered and sat up. Did you really just answer yourself? You rubbed your face and sighed,"I should go see what he can do for me..", you got up and put on your shoes, walking out of your house, locking the door behind you. You walked down the sidewalk again, towards where you met the black haired 'doctor'. You noticed he was standing against a building, with one foot against it. (i hope you guys know what I'm talking about) He glanced over at you and smirked slightly, again, you could only tell because his mask moved slightly. "Need some help?", he asked and you sighed. "What can you do for me?", you asked and he walked over. "What's the problem?", he asked and you turned around, moving your hand over your back in a certain area. "Right here, it really hurts", you told him and he raised an eyebrow, but since you were facing away, you couldn't tell. You turned back around and he held out his hand,"shall we?"


It was a week since you've gone back to the club, and you knew it was the day the strange man told you to come back. You were debating on whether to go or not, but curiousity got the best of you and you decided to see what he wanted. You showered quickly and put on your midnight blue dress, along with black heels. You put on a little makeup, along with your necklace. You grabbed your car keys off the counter, walking out. 
*time Skip*
You got tot the club about 9 pm, but the guy never specified. You decided to wait only an hour to see if he was going to come or not. You sat at the bar and ordered a drink, waiting. After about 10 minutes, you heard someone sit next to you. "Fancy meeting you here~", you recognized the voice, it belonged to the strange man. You waved slightly and sipped your drink. "You know, it's rude not to answer", he spoke and you set down your drink. "What do you want?", you asked and he shrugged slightly. "You, my dear~", okay this guy was creepy. "I'm gonna go", you told him and paid for your drink, walking out the door. 

Okay guys, so I have almost no clue how these dudes work except LIu/Sully, Dr. Smiley and Offendy. So, if someone could tell me what their personalities are, that'd be great.  That's why the others are so short, because idk what to write for them XD Thanks! :D

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